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The closer we got to my place the more dread I felt. I didn't want this night to end. I was having too much fun. After Grayson carried me out of Axed we went to an old school arcade. And that was where I finally got my ass kicked. I had demanded rematches after rematches but I couldn't win and he couldn't stop laughing at my pouts.

I pressed closer to him and laid my head against his back. I enjoyed being pressed close to him and I was savouring it. It would have been more comfortable if I didn't have a big helmet on but I would take what I could get. I still couldn't believe he got me my own helmet. It told me that this wouldn't be the only time I'd be on his bike and I was excited to ride with him more.

He finally pulled up in front of my building and I sighed as I got off and took off my helmet. He followed after me and we walked to the front door. It was silent between us and I took a deep breath.

"Want to come up?" I asked him a bit nervously. "We could want a movie?" I bit my lip feeling uncertain and I peaked up at him.

His eyes were soft and he had this sweet smile on and I swear I had butterflies in my stomach. "I'd love that."

I swear my heart soared as I let out the breath I was holding and beamed up at him. I unlocked the door and led him to the second floor where my apartment was. I was glad I had tidied up earlier today so my place wasn't that messy. I was also glad Ella wasn't going to be home for the night. She said she was going to crash at Sami's just in case.

I walked in first and kicked off my boots and showed him into the living room. I grabbed the remote and handed it to him. "How about you pick something for us to watch, and I'll make some popcorn and grab us a beer."

"Alright sounds good, what do you like to watch?" He asked as he turned on the tv.

"Anything really, surprise me," I shrugged with a smile as I turned and walked into the kitchen.

I grabbed a bag of popcorn and threw it in the microwave before I grabbed two beers out of the fridge. I took the tops off and took a swig out of my beer as I walked back into the living room and I gave him his as I set mine on the table. I wanted to get comfy so I went to my room and changed my jeans into shorts and a loose tee.

The microwave beeped so I went back into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl to pour the popcorn in. I turned off the lights and followed the noise from the tv. Grayson turned and looked at me as I walked into the living room. His eyes slowly ran over me before they settled looking into my eyes. I saw appreciation and hunger?

The closer I got to him the more my heart pounded. I loved that I had his attention. How he was so solely focused on me. It was how I was with him. When we were out his eyes never strayed from me and mine never strayed from his.

I sat down beside him and he pulled me closer to him with his arm wrapped around me. I brought my legs up and curled against his warm body. Everything with him felt right and perfect. Like it was all so just effortless. We just clicked.

He placed the popcorn on his legs and settled back more. I rested my head in the crook of his arm and tried to focus on the movie. I didn't even know what it was but I didn't care either. I was just happy to be sitting with him in his arms.

Everything about him drew me more into him. He was warm, comfortable and made me feel safe. As the movie continued to play I felt my eyes getting heavier. I tried to stay awake but I was losing the battle.

I felt arms under me and I opened my eyes. I had fallen asleep and didn't even mean to. My body was being lifted and I glanced up and saw Grayson. He was staring at me with a soft smile as he carried me out of the living room. My eyes closed as I savoured the feeling of being in his arms. Before I knew it he was laying me on my bed and he covered me up.

He stood above me in the dark looking unsure. As he turned to probably leave I reached out and grabbed his wrist. "Stay... please?" I asked him, feeling a bit vulnerable. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay.

He didn't even say anything as he took off his pants and walked around the bed to the other side. He silently crawled into my bed and got beneath the blankets before he opened his arms. "Always," he said quietly. "Come here."

In an instant I rolled over and cuddled up next to him. My head laid on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me, his hand on my rib. His other hand lifted my leg and settled it between both of his. He kept his hand on my upper thigh just below my ass, and he held me tight.

His thumb moved softly up and down as he rubbed my thigh and I had to control my breathing. Every touch and movement from him had my body tense and my breathing heavy. It was such an innocent touch yet it was like live wires were shooting through me. He was unknowingly turning me on and driving me crazy. A second ago I was tired and asleep, and now I was awake and craving his touches.

I tried to control my breathing but his touch wasn't helping. What did help was hearing his strong and steady heartbeat under my head. With each thump my eyes started to slowly get heavy again. My breathing relaxed along with my body.

The last thing I felt was his lips on the top of my head before I fell asleep in the arms of the man I was falling for.

I know this one is shorter but the next chapter... that probably won't be as well I guess you'll find out (;

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