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I laid in Bree's bed with my eyes closed as I held her. It was early and I had already been awake for a while. I had Max come by and drop me off some of my stuff so I didn't have to leave with her still asleep and leave the door unlocked. I had freshened up and changed my clothes before getting back in bed with her.

Last night was probably the best night of sleep I had ever had. As I held her in my arms I had felt so peaceful and calm like never before. Every moment with her was amazing, whether we were laughing, being competitive, or just relaxing, it all felt right.

The sun peeked through her curtains and kissed her skin. It was like she glowed under it as she slept, she looked so peaceful and sweet. I knew she was the one and I was glad I had waited. No one could ever stand a chance against her.

I slipped out of bed again after I checked my phone and saw that the delivery would be here any moment. I opened the door once I heard footsteps so they wouldn't knock and wake her up. I had ordered some coffee and breakfast sandwiches for us.

I turned around and saw her standing there. "Coffee and breakfast?"

"Oh my god, yes please," she took the coffee from my hand and took a sip. "Do you mind if I take a quick shower? It helps wake me up."

"Yeah, of course," I said and she kissed my cheek.

"Thanks. I'll be quick."

I nodded and set everything on the counter. I heard the water running and closed my eyes. Just down the hall she was naked. Standing under the hot water. Wet and naked. I groaned and shook my head. Holding her my arms all night was bliss and torture.

Before I began to torture myself again I think of the day. I was thinking of hitting up the grocery store. I wanted to grab some stuff and maybe cook dinner for her. Either here or at my place it didn't matter. As long as I was with her.

I went to the living room and turned on the tv for a bit of noise. I hoped it would help drown the noise from down the hall. I randomly played a movie and gathered my stuff. I figured while out getting stuff, I'll drop my shit off at home.

By the time I had everything ready she was walking towards me. She had on shorts that exposed her long legs. Legs that I wanted to touch again. I had felt how smooth they were last night as I held her close.

"Everything okay," she asked as she looked at my stuff beside the door.

"Of course. I was just thinking of hitting the grocery store to grab some stuff to make for dinner tonight. Shouldn't be more than an hour or so."

Her smile brightened and I fucking loved it. "That sounds great."

She stood close, her hair still damp, I could smell her fruity shampoo. She looked warm and soft and I knew I couldn't leave here without finally kissing her. Twice we had been interrupted. Then yesterday on our date I was having fun with her and even though I wanted to kiss her senseless so many times, I controlled myself.

But now as I looked at her, still damp from the shower, with a glow around her I knew I couldn't leave without feeling her lips against mine. She inhaled sharply as I stepped closer to her. She had to have seen it in my eyes. How badly I wanted her. But for now I just wanted her lips on mine. I couldn't wait any longer.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her flush against my body. She looked up at me and before I bent down she grabbed my face and kissed me. God, the feeling of her soft lips against mine was fucking heaven. Our lips moved together in a slow passionate kiss that started a small fire within me. I ran my hand up her back and cupped the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip and she opened right away.

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