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Emily stood up quickly and checked the bathroom and she was not there. Immediately she felt something was off.. something is wrong.

She called JJ and tried to stay calm.

''Hey good morning, sorry to bother but uhm is Dana with you?''

''morning, no she is not here. Why? What's up?''

The panic began to set in ''She is not in her bed, I checked the room and she is just gone. Her phone is here so I cant track it. I already checked on our floor but there is no sign of her. And JJ she knows damn well that she cant leave the hotel room when we are on a case.''

''Okay try to stay calm, I'm on my way up. I'll call everyone.''

''Thanks JJ, see you in a sec.''

It took the team not more that two minutes to gather in Emily her room, JJ was the first one to come in. She found Emily pacing back an forth, biting her nails. The brunette didn't even notice the blonde woman until JJ spoke up ''Hey hey, don't bite your nails. They just started to get long again.'' she gently put her hands over her fingers causing emily to pull her hand away from her mouth.

Jennifer didn't know what to do so she pulled Emily in for a hug in the hopes that she would calm down. Emily took a deep breath and tightened the grip on her friend.

''What do you mean she is gone?!'' Derek almost shouted when he came speed walking into the room.

The two woman let go of each other and Prentiss snapped back ''Like what you just said. Gone. Pouf. Up in smoke. I don't know where my kid is.'' The moment that those words left her mouth she realized that she was giving a attitude that they do not deserve. They are just trying to help.

''Could this be related to the case?''

''Well if it is than has his m.o. drastically changed. He took Dana in the middle of the night and he managed to do it with you sleeping not even five feet away'' Hotch explained. ''everyone were going to the station, Prentiss Morgan will do a cognitive interview with you to see if you were being followed or if you saw anything that was out of the ordinary.''

Reid couldn't believe what was happening and he tried to comfort Emily but the only thing that he could say is ''We will get him and he will get the punishment that he deserves.''

Emily was just so in shock. It was a fifteen minute drive to the station and JJ and Emily were in the back of the car. Jennifer noticed that Emily was staring out of the window and she saw tears dropping down her face. She grabbed the woman her hand and hold on to it with a firm grip. It was a way of letting her know that she is right there with her.

They didn't need words, they just could find comfort in each other's presence.

In the meantime while the team is figuring everything out, Dana woke up not far from the hotel.

I opened my eyes and I didn't see the room that I fell asleep in. I didn't see my mom. I immediately knew.. this is not good. How do I get myself out of here?

My legs were tied to a chair and my arms were tied behind my back. Trying to move the chair won't help because I noticed that this stupid thing is screwed in.

The room I am in is pretty big, I'm guessing that it is some kind of warehouse. Every window was made black with tape. The only light source in the room was a small lamp at the ceiling.

Behind me I hear footsteps approaching. It took me three seconds to figure out who was standing in front of me. It was the one and only, Wren Dawson.

''Why me?'' I asked him, not moving an inch and not giving a single thing. ''There has to be a reason why you chose me.''

One day, she'll be okayWhere stories live. Discover now