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"Can you wait here? I am almost done with the last cart and after this, I am done so we could get some coffee if u like that?" Isabella asked me with a smile.

"Yeah of course, I'll wait in my favorite corner and just come get me when ur done." There was some more emotion in my voice than this morning. We both went our separate ways and I grabbed one of my favorite book and started reading it. A good ten minutes later I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "you ready?" It was Isabella.

We walked to the café that was right down the street. I stayed silent because I just didn't know what to tell her. She figured that I wasn't going to speak so instead she started the conversation.

"so what have you been doing lately? I haven't seen you in like two weeks." There it was. Should I tell her the truth or should I just make up an lame excuse? Then again she is one of my closest friends.

"well that's a funny story actually, uhm so I kind of got kidnapped while I was away with my mother's team." I blabbed out.

Bella stopped right in her tracks, "You WHAT?!"

I couldn't help to let a small laugh out. "Dana what the hell happened? Do you think that it is funny?"

"No bells, I was actually the most traumatic experience in my life but life has a way of knocking me down after I am trying to do better." She just looked at me worried and also kind of scared.

"well how are you doing then? If you don't want to talk about it that is also fine just know that I am here for you."

And just then felt like the perfect opportunity to tell someone what really had happened. I know I can trust her. "well actually I do want to talk about it, a lot has happened and I just don't want to hurt my mom by telling her everything."

"ok let's go then but uhm do you still want that coffee or should we just keep walking?"

I gave a small smile "uhm walking is fine, I don't think that I can tell you all of this while sitting still."

She had her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. I took a big breath before letting some words that will form a sentence out of my mouth. "Do you want the long or short version?"

Bella noticed that I was fidgeting with my hands so she took my hand and put is in hers in a friendly way. "Whatever you feel most comfortable with."

I didn't let go of her hand, it was comforting and it gave me a feeling of that I was supported.

"Well lets start by the beginning then, so you know what my mom does for work right?"

She nodded.

"okay the team was called in for a case and it took longer than we wanted to so we had to get a motel room and apparently I was taken out the room in the middle of the night. With my mom just sleeping in another bed just five feet away."

We were now walking through a small park and I saw a bench plus my legs were about to give out so I sat our buts down and continued to tell the story.

"I was told that he used the ventilation system to drug us. He used scopolamine and the drug puts people into a zombie-like state in which they lose both their memory and free will and can be convinced to empty their bank accounts or hand over the keys to their apartments and cars. In my case it was used to erase my mom's memory and so that I would cooperate. It's also known as-"

"Devils breath." We said in unison. I looked at her for an answer, "I read a lot okay" also on her face appeared a small smile. "Please continue."

"then after a few hours I woke up in a warehouse and let's just say I was not amused when I found out that it was our unsub. We fought and yelled to each other, I asked him why me but then he just blamed my mother and her team. He figured that it would hurt them the most if I was dead."

One day, she'll be okayWhere stories live. Discover now