foxy x withered foxy 18+

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Before you say anything I do what the people want and the people wanted this so blame your companions))

Bang! Clang!

Sounds of intense fighting rung throughout William's hell between two ー rather infamous ー animatronics. None other than Foxy and Withered Foxy, over what most of the others would consider ridiculous . . . Who gets to kill William? The power had gone out, and they were the only two animatronics active. Dee Dee hadn't brought out anyone else to the night, leaving the two at a standstill. The Foxy models were always twitchy, competitive, and malicious. "It's obvious who gets t' scuttle that bastard this time. It's me," Foxy said, baring his teeth at the other. "Now ye listen here, ye yellow-bellied cur, ye're harmless compared t' me. Try 'n prove me wrong, 'n I'll 'ave ye walkin' the plank t' Davy Jones' locker."
The two stared at each other, hands and hooks entangled, golden hues glowing bright on both ends. The Withered grinned wickedly, pushing the smaller of the two Foxy's back against a table, and even before the slightly less dilapidated animatronic could react, he had his neck enveloped by its fingers. He squirmed, growled, swung his hook, but to no avail. It had him under his grasp. There was a reason Withered Foxy was made smaller and less dangerous with completely overhauled code. It was a monster. Angry and murderous, even more so than the iconic Foxy everyone knows and loves. Its strength was unmatched by anything else.
"Look at ye. Ye fell so easily. Nah even budgin'. Sad."
Foxy let out a growl that faded into a groan as Withered Foxy's finger tugged on a particularly thick wire with a finger, its expression reflecting disgust. "Are ye actin' up 'cause o' yer wirin'? 'n t' yourself? Ye're sick," it said, tugging harder at the wire, prompting the smaller vulpine animatronic to whimper. He was right; he was sick for liking it. The feelings of those fingers belonging to a stronger incarnation of himself tugging and tugging. Shame spread within Foxy, as he tried to fight back. Again, to no avail. That earned him another tug, prompting a louder whimper, in both shame and pleasure. He was heating up, he loved the feeling, but he would not admit it. "I 'ave ye under me whim this easily. I couldn't even consider ye a Foxy model. Toy Foxy has more fight in 'em," it said, teeth shining within the darkness.
20 minutes passed of this torture. Foxy was left a twitching mess, optics flickering on and off, stimulated beyond belief.
"Admit ye like this. Who's the true cap'n here?" The Withered questioned, staring at the other, brilliant yellow iris digging into Foxy's soul. Foxy, meanwhile, could barely focus, he was seeing stars. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours. The vulpine animatronic's senses were heightened, the feeling of cold metal running across his shell felt like torture, as if he was deprived of what he wanted most. Tug! Foxy let out a mechanical scream of bliss, his hand clutching onto whatever surface he could grip first, that being Withered Foxy's arm. It clicked its non-existent tongue in disappointment and rage. Its hook trailed down, down, down . . . Until it reached Foxy's thigh, reaching for a thin wire within. He pulled on it, almost tearing it apart, eliciting a garbled moan from the pirate, his voice box unable to produce the noise correctly.
It was fascinated with its repaired counterpart's struggle, his sick desire to have his insides manipulated in such a fashion. To say it was addicted to his sounds would be an understatement.
"Who be yer cap'n?!"
"Me - M - Me!"
Foxy's voice box whirred, his consciousness warped with an incessant need for more of this foreign pleasure. He could only cry for more, which led to a gentle bite near his neck, teeth digging into exposed wiring. Arms tore at the Withered's already destroyed shell, as Foxy let out a strained scream, fully submitting to his Withered self. There was nothing that he wanted more than this sick, twisted sense of pleasure. He could care less about mutilating William. He wanted more. He wanted it.
"Thar we go, nah so hard, savvy? We 'ave an eternity here. Let's enjoy ourselves."

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