william afton x male reader 18+

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Warning:This story is not safe for work and contains sexual content intended for adults. Contains graphic bloody, gory violence, torture, bondage, sadism and masochism, master complex, yandere, murder and potentially disturbing, offensive or ideologically sensitive material. All characters are consenting adults. Due to the nature of this content, reader discretion is advised.))

There was a loud clang of metal as your body was forcibly pinned down to a specially designed experimentation table, William Afton's clawed hand effortlessly keeping you there by squeezing and groping at your heart through your bare skin.
He was so forceful and swift in his movements that you barely had time to register what was happening with how flustered you were, nothing but a weak submissive mess for the alchemist driven mad with desire looming over you. You could only gasp softly in response at first when your back came in contact with the freezing metal, making you shiver.
"Welcome home, beloved...~" He growled, his words coming out sounding as if they were a threat laced with poison. "I've missed you sweetheart...~" He quickly grabbed your wrists, slamming each one down and locking them in metal shackles attached to the table's outstretched arms.
You blushed, looking up at him with a small smile. "Awe~ I, uh... I can tell-" you began, only to be silenced by a kiss so powerful and vicious that it felt as though a coiled snake had lunged at your lips, drinking in your flavour for a long moment. The feeling made your eyes slip shut, your head naturally tipping back so that you could kiss William deeper and allow his tongue to ravage the inside of your mouth as he pleased.
He eventually reluctantly pulled away, thick glittering strings of saliva still connecting you. "My precious treasure... allow me to show you the fruits of my work and desire that has plagued me so?" He muttered, kneeling to secure your thighs and ankles before standing once more, gripping your jaw and searching your face for confirmation one last time.
You sighed in bliss, looking away from his gaze that was boring into your very being. "Yes, please, my dearest. I agreed when you first told me you had a surprise waiting for me as soon as I got home. I'm ready."
"Excellent." William whispered, pressing his body against yours and kissing you once more, spindly fingers tangling into your hair as he sucked harshly on your lips. The fabric of his lab coat and scrubs brushing against your bare skin only reminded you how completely and utterly exposed you were for him, so entirely now at his mercy.
After another short bit impassioned snog, William ripped himself away from you, seeming almost pained that he couldn't continue kissing you. He instead briskly strode over to a small podium control panel, giving you a moment to regain your senses and look at your surroundings.
The table you were now locked into was unfamiliar to you; instead of the usual flat rectangular metal slab with shackles you were used to, this table seemed to be perfectly measured to your body's proportions, each part of you mirrored and segmented with joints at the knees, elbows, shoulders, thighs, hips, and neck. There were various wires trailing from the sides of the shackles down under the table towards arms that were neatly folded and tucked away, as well as three gears of various sizes on the side near your hip.
Looking back at William, you noticed that the podium was positioned about 10 feet away from you and a little towards your right, but angled so that he had a perfect view to watch what he did to you. It was covered in all sorts of buttons and switches and levers and dials, none of which you knew what they did.
As he saw you looking curiously at his controls, the corner of William's lips quirked up into a smirk. He flipped a switch, presumably the one to turn on the machine, and you felt yourself being rotated back so that you were just a bit more elevated than flat, perhaps on a 25° angle. Surgical lights flickered on above you, and each of the arms unfolded from underneath of you like an exposed ribcage, waiting patiently to be used. You were filled with the familiar feeling of terror, anticipation, and overwhelming arousal as you felt William's eyes drinking in the sight of you.
"Look at me, dear." He commanded, leaning over the panel as if to get even a few inches closer to you. He had clearly memorized the layout and didn't need to look at what he was doing, instead solely focusing on you. "You're going to watch. You will watch."
You bit your lip and forced yourself to look back at him, the sheer lust and hunger behind his glowing mercury eyes making you whimper quietly. William flipped another switch, the table itself moving so that your legs bent at the knees and spread apart just wide enough that it was slightly painful, your arms bending as well at the elbows and stopping once they were pinned and bound together in a box shape over your head. Your blush returned, much darker now as your twitching and throbbing length gave away how easily your mind was coming up with ideas about what he intended to do with you.
William lidded his sparkling eyes as they travelled down your body, giving a breathy hum of satisfaction that curled into a chuckle. "Breathtaking~ always so sensitive, my little expiriment. I'm glad I knew you'd be so easily aroused and calibrated accordingly~" he cooed, teasingly tracing a claw around the rim of one button in particular before pressing it with an animalistic force.
Two of the foldable arms of the table moved closer to you, one wrapping a frosted glass case around your member with a small metal cylinder inside that began to slowly stroke along your shaft and squeeze gently, as if drumming it's robotic fingers. It left the tip exposed, which the other arm brought a second cylinder to that applied gentle suction, increasing and decreasing the pressure every so softly to emulate the feeling of someone sucking on you. The instruments were both pre-lubricated, leaving you whining and trembling slightly from the sudden feeling of such precisely aimed pleasure. It was as if William had mapped every part of you, pinpointing the most sensitive places along your length and tip to focus the most on with his machinery, though set to such a teasingly low speed that it was a kind of brutal torture.
"Ah, W-William..." you called his name quietly, head falling back onto the table's metallic headrest as your breathing became deeper and labored. You attempted to rock your hips into the motions of his invention, but William was, as always, prepared. He knew your every detail too well.
"Louder, darling." He ordered with an attractive kind of bite and growl behind his words, as if your quiet whimpers taunted him. A press of another button lashed the steel shackles tighter against every point they touched on you, holding your hips secure and rendering them unable to move whatsoever. Your wrists and thighs, you noted, were a bit tighter than the rest of your body, and you could feel something pressing firmly against your pulses and major arteries.
You mewled as you were denied any further pleasure from your own actions, though seeing your desperation William harshly cranked a dial up two levels, the speed on your stroking and sucking increasing suddenly.
W-William...!" You cried out a bit louder, heat rising from your cheeks from hearing yourself nearly moan for him. You could feel his pheromones from watching you as if they were physically tangible in the charged air, the sound of him giving a soft pleasured sigh making you melt completely and languish.
"Good, my love..." he muttered, tapping another button as he gently pressed his own aching bulge into the side of the control panel where he stood for contact, rolling his hips ever so softly.
The button he had pressed allowed a third mechanical arm to move towards you, this one with an end that split into two sides, almost resembling a tuning fork. At the end of each of the prongs was a small blade, which clipped into slits in the side of the glass case around your shaft and quickly sliced upward, nicking your skin and leaving small cuts up to just below your tip, matching on either side.
You moaned fully now, arching your back at the stinging sensation in your length as small droplets of hot blood escaped into the freezing air of the temperature controlled glass case around you, sliding down to your base and becoming sticky with time. You panted and shuddered hard, crying out for William now effortlessly as if it were easier to moan his name than exhale.
"My d-darling, sweet- ah! W-William, my beloved, please!" You begged, hardly able to finish your sentence before your scientist twisted the dial that controlled the speed of his robotic ministrations on you three more levels higher.
You moaned and whimpered and begged only more as your body trembled and writhed with pleasure, the feeling nearly consuming you with primal urges as words spilled from your lips, beginning to slip into a nonsensical mixture of pleas and various nicknames for your husband. Witnessing this, William slipped himself out of his surgical scrub pants, strikingly along his burning and aching member that glistened with precum. His fingers twitched as he walked slowly and ominously towards you, inhumane self restraint visible in every aspect of his stature.
He viciously gripped the mechanical arms working on you, pressing a button at the base of each of their tools to turn them off as he ripped them away from you. William then manually cranked one of the gears on the side of the table back so that you were rotated at the perfect angle for him, breathlessly falling to his knees and clutching your tortured member in his razor like claws. Blood oozed from where he accidentally puncutred you, but you craved the feeling as you saw him look up at you for only one sentence before utterly devouring you whole.
"I love you, my remnant."
You were blinded by the lack of any sort of pleasure contrasting with the sudden striking agony and euphoria of William's lips, teeth, and tongue biting into you and sucking as if he meant to mutilate you, easily bursting blood vessels from the force and slicing you open everywhere that his sharpened teeth gilded against your skin like scalpels. You orgasmed almost instantaneously, screaming his name as tears of pure love pricked the corners of your rolled back eyes. Your body spasmed and twitched, endless cries and screams of what was love filled torture filling the room as he continued to suck and bite you until he had swallowed every last drop of your semen that he possibly could.
You collapsed back onto the table, bloodied and exhausted and head swimming with dopamine and serotonin. You felt lightheaded, as if you were in a dream. Your eyes softly fluttered towards William, who pulled off of you gently, allowing his tongue to trace up the thick vein on the underside of your shaft as a mixture of copious amounts of drool, blood, and semen leaked beautifully from between his lips; thick, viscous strings of the substance connecting him to you. He gazed back at you like a predator relishing his prey, the patience, control, and dominance visible in his eyes as he shakily stood, licking his lips to get every last drop.
"How was it, my heart?" He asked huskily, a hand moving to gently cup your cheek. You could feel his fingers twitch and the urge to rip your jaw off behind them.
"I-I... I'm not done..." you breathed, feeling your heart beating so hard and fast as you came down from your climax that you worried for your health for a brief fleeting moment. After a pause, you looked at William with a newfound determination and undying love that didn't care what state your physical body was in. "I'm not done. You're not done."
William smiled softly to you for a moment, flattered that you wanted to take care of him as well even after such an extensive endeavor. He tucked the hair out of your face lovingly, sighing. "Precious little thing... one moment, my turtledove."
He cranked the table back to it's standing position, then pressed a series of buttons on a keypad under the gears that moved you so that you were kneeling, and unlocked the shackles on your wrists and neck, popping open like springlock mechanisms. The familiar sound of a backfiring car made you blush at the idea of what could have been pressing against your pulse and major arteries earlier.
William stood before you, poised proudly and lovingly, though you could easily feel his impatience and murderous hunger behind it all. You thought it was sweet how well he controlled himself for you, how he pretended to be so calm and patient after you had finished. Now that you regained control of your hands and lips, you tugged down the waist of his scrubs further so that he would be more comfortable. You delicately licked over him before taking him into your mouth, swallowing down his length and deepthroating him with a trained and practiced ease as you carefully ran your teeth down him as well.
As soon as you heard William's first breathy moan, you were filled with a sort of supercharged purpose and desire, an urge that you simply could not put aside and had to take care of this very moment. From just his first noise alone, you slipped into your mindset of wanting nothing but to please him as well and if possible better than he had you, to be his most obedient servant and dutiful assistant.
You quickly bit down on him, sucking harder and feeling yourself drool around him at the thought of making him happy. You would do anything to hear even one more blissful moan from him, and you poured all of your time, energy, and heart into making him feel as good as possible. You were addicted to his pleasure, and became more forceful and animalistic with every passing second, fueled by a kind of romantic devotion that would kill you and you would beg for it to.
William quickly orgasmed as well, crying out your name in bliss as his knees buckled and he pressed himself further into you, head tipping back. You swallowed as much of him as you could, whimpering when some leaked out and dribbled down your chin. You finally pulled away, licking every strand of saliva and semen that you could.
William punched another code into the keypad that released your ankles, thighs, and hips, then cranked the table back to being flat as he collapsed against you and panted into your ear, hand gripping over your chest once more so that he could feel your heartbeat. You moaned softly against his cheek, wrapping your arms around him and kissing wherever your face could reach.

"I love you."

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