Chapter 6

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I can understand On-jo she is scared for her life. But how can this happen? I swear he was not bit. It's impossible for him to be infected. What the hell happened? I can't lose a friend. Not now, not ever. Was he scratched? No, the scratch didn't look like it was from human nails.

I didn't even notice that I was spacing out again. I just felt Hyun-jin and Wu-jin pull me back. Hyun-jin hugged me. Making me face my back to Gyeong-su.

"Don't look at it, Hye-ji-ah. Gyeong-su will be fine. We will see him again soon." He whispered to me while he was caressing my hair. "We will, right? We will see him again after all of this." I said, trying to comfort myself. He hummed as a reply.

I heard some shouting, I was about to look at what was happening but I felt Hyun-jin cover my ears and make me face him. It didn't help though...I can still hear everything.

"It's okay. Really. Thank you for everything, Cheong-san-ah. Hye-ji, don't look, okay? I don't want you to see this. Thank you for being my friend even though we came from two different worlds. Stay alive." I heard him say, making me tear up.

"Why are you doing that? You're scaring me. Stop! Stop it. Cheong-san, why are you doing this? Stop it! Please stop!" I hear Gyeong-su shout making me snap my head on his direction, just as he is turning.

Cheong-san started to whistle their song. I already know how this is going to end so I looked down on the floor. I wish I didn't look. I wish I should've just listened to Hyun-jin and Gyeong-su.


I was resting my head on Hyun-jin's shoulder. We are sitting on the floor, our backs leaning on the door. Hyun-jin was holding my hand.

It was silent, we just lost a good friend after all. I don't want to close my eyes so I just watched everyone from my place. What is going to happen now? We just wait here for help? What if no one is coming? We all die here?

"I told you all. He was infected." We all turned to Na-yeon as she spoke. She is my friend but did she really have to talk right now? "Well, are you happy now?" I heard Dae-su ask her.

"Na-yeon, can you just please...stop talking. We just lost a friend." I told her, making her look down on the floor. She finally decided to keep quiet huh? 

"You were all wrong. Only I was right. What would you even do without me?" Na-yeon started again making me sigh.

"Hey." I heard Nam-ra say. "Maybe you did it." She added making all of us look at her. "What?" Na-yeon asked, confused. Nam-ra then walked to Na-yeon.

"I saw everything." What? What is she talking about? What did Nam-ra see? "What? What did you see?" Na-yeon questioned as she stood up. "You are the one who did it." Nam-ra replied. What did Na-yeon do?

"Who did what? I didn't do anything to Gyeong-su." Na-yeon fought back. Where the hell is this going and why is she dragging Gyeong-su into this.

"I didn't say anything about Gyeong-Su." Nam-ra said, catching Cheong-san's attention. Hyun-jin and I stood up from our position. "Knock it off. What are you talking about?" Wu-jin asked.

As Nam-ra continued to talk, I realize where she was going with it. Did she wouldn't. She didn't do it, right? She can't do it. She is not a...murderer...right?

I was once again brought back to reality when I saw Na-yeon push Nam-ra's hand away from her. I quickly walked to Nam-ra, standing beside her. But what shocked me was when she slapped Na-yeon. 

Is it bad that I think Na-yeon deserved that? Is it bad that I think Nam-ra looked cool while doing that?

"You never treated me as class president." Nam-ra said so I held her hand and pulled her a little bit back but she didn't move. She held my hand tighter though.

"Nam-ra, that's enough." Ms. Park said, walking towards us. "Nam-ra, do you realize what you're saying right now? If that is true, it means Na-yeon killed Gyeong-su." Ms. Park added.

As the two proceeded to fight, Nam-ra let go of my hand, stepping closer to Na-yeon. "Na-yeon you-." Cheong-san was walking towards the girl but Su-hyeok stopped him.

"Damn it! It wasn't me!" Na-yeon said as she picked up the handkerchief and hovered it over her wound. I was about to walk towards her but Cheong-san stopped me. I looked at him, seeing anger in his eyes.

"Don't do it. Stop it." Ms. Park was the one who stopped her. Ms. Park took the handkerchief from Na-yeon.

"I should just die too then, huh? That's what you all want, isn't it?" She said and I forced myself out of Cheong-san's hold. But as soon as I did, I felt another pair of arms stopping me. I didn't need to look to know who it is. I know it's my twin brother.

"Na-Yeon, no..." I wanted to say it louder but it came out as a whisper. I didn't know if Na-yeon was able to hear it. I see Na-yeon look at me and smile, making me think she heard it, so I smiled back a little.

"So, you did do it." Cheong-san said as he tried to get away from Su-hyeok's hold. Dae-su came to Su-hyeok's rescue, helping Su-hyeok hold Cheong-san.

"I didn't kill him. He just turned." As Na-yeon said this, I felt Hyun-jin's hold on me get tighter. She may be my friend but she just killed Gyeong-su?

Cheong-san finally got out of the two's hold. He pushed Na-yeon down and I quickly tried to get out of Hyun-jin's hold to go to her but he is much stronger than me.

"You're...a murderer." Cheong-san said chocking on his sobs that he tried to push down. 

Na-yeon started to cry so I looked at her. She was looking at everyone in the room. I was the last one she looked at.

"I have no friends at all. I don't need any of you. I just needed Hye-ji. But you even got her to turn her back to me. She was the only friend that I had. But she had many of you. She is close to Nam-ra, that's why I hated her. She was also close to Gyeong-su, and Gyeong-su pushed me!" She said before standing up. I felt my energy leave my body after hearing this.

"Hye-ji, thank you for being my friend. I can never forget you. And I know you won't forget me, so, you should just always remember that I love you." Na-yeon said as she opened the door. And just like that, it's like a found my energy back and was able to get out of Hyun-jin's arms.

"Lee Na-yeon!" I tried to go after her but Ms. Park stopped me and closed the door. So I just slumped down on the floor and I felt Wu-jin pick me up and sat me on one of the chairs by the table.

"Listen. No matter what happens, you stay alive. Also, you must never take a life. If you cause someone else to die, life becomes completely meaningless. All right?" She started and we just looked at her. I already know what she was going to do.

"Hye-ji, remember what I told you? Stick together and protect each other no matter what. Okay?" She said and looked at everyone in the room before going after Na-yeon.

Dae-su tried to go after her but Hyun-jin stopped him. I looked at Wu-jin who was looking at me. "Is it my fault?"

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