To Nam-ra <3

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Nam-ra had always been the class president. Not because the students voted for her to be one, not because she is the top student of the class, but because of her mother. Everyone knows it, even she herself admits it. This is the reason why no one really ever treated her as one, only the Hwang twins did.

Hye-ji and Nam-ra are assigned as seatmates. At first, Nam-ra was annoyed by how the girl would try and make a conversation with her that will end up as Hye-ji speaking and Nam-ra not listening and just reading her notes. However, through the days that passed, Nam-ra had learned to like how Hye-ji would talk to her and actually shut up when Nam-ra looks like she is not on the mood.

Even with the 'annoying' habit of Hye-ji speaking, she still respects Nam-ra's personal space and knows when she should shut her mouth. 

However, when Hye-ji came back from the hospital after everything that had happened because of Dong-min, Nam-ra noticed how different the female Hwang had became. She noticed how the girl that never failed to try and talk to her had now been very quiet. Within the first two weeks, she had let it pass. 

She also noticed how sometimes the girl would cut class when Hyun-jin is not around due to his duties with the student council. She is not going to admit it, but she misses how Hye-ji would talk to her about anything that the female Hwang had found interest with.

A few weeks after Hye-ji's return to school, the teacher had paired all of the students with their seatmates to do a movie review. The students should be the one picking a movie, but it had to be a psychological thriller. Great, just great, right? Hyun-jin had tried to ask the teacher to pair him with his twin for the paper but the teacher did not allow it.


Since Nam-ra's mother is strict, the partners decided to watch the movie at Nam-ra's. Hyun-jin agreed with the idea but he will pick the twin up after finishing the paper, not wanting his twin to go home alone at night. 

The Hwang twins plus the class president had agreed to meet each other at the gate after classes before they go straight to Nam-ra's. Hyun-jin wanting to be there to walk with his twin. Hye-ji still hasn't arrived (she is currently with Mi-jin). 

"Hey, prez." Hyun-jin called Nam-ra. The girl only looked at him and he took it as a sign to continue. "She told me she will meet someone first...anyway...prez, can you call me when something happens?" He said.

"You're smart. I know you know she is not fine at all, but she always say that she is. But just in case something me. I'll be there in an instant." Hyun-jin continued and Nam-ra can only nod because Hye-ji is already approaching them.

After a while of trying to pick a movie, they chose to watch the film 'The Invisible Man'. They both haven't watched it yet but they saw that it was a psychological thriller so they went with it.

In the middle of the movie, Hye-ji was crying, making Nam-ra pause the movie. She was about to call Hyun-jin but Hye-ji stopped her. "Stop, prez. Don't call him. I don't want him to worry, please...I'm okay..." She said but it came out as a whisper.

"Sure. I won't tell him. But let me be here for you." She said as she put a hand on the girl's back, rubbing it gently. After a while, Hye-ji seemed to calm down.

"I was crying because I was scared, you know? What of just like the guy in the movie, Dong-min comes back for me?" Hye-ji said as she looked down on her shaking hands.

"Hey...hey, look at me." Nam-ra said and gently lifted Hye-ji's face by putting a hand on the girl's chin. 

"Even if he comes back, I know that Hyun-jin and your parents would protect you. Your friends would protect you. Heck, even I will protect you." Nam-ra sincerely said while looking at Hye-ji's eyes.

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