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575 BC

   BRIAR walked inside the domo with the six, she currently found out that Phastos had come down along with Druig to watch them fight for the first time.

   The fighters stayed outside, while Briar decided to join the thinkers.

   As soon as they were in the Domo, Phastos went to continue his work. Briar grabbed a loaf of bread before she started munching on it. She almost bumped into Druig who grabbed an apple.

   "Phastos, did you go to the party last night like I told you to?" Ajak walked inside the Domo, walking over to them.

   "Uh- the party, yeah." Phastos cleared his throat, chuckling. "Yeah, it w-"

    "He worked all night." Druig cut the man off, earning a glare from Phastos.

    "Who was talking to you?" Phastos eyed the boy with sass, earning chuckles from both Druig and Briar.

    "Get a life, and where is Sersi?" Ajak looked around, hands on her waist like a mother. Well, she is their mother.

   "Late as usual." Sprite said, playing with the utensils while she laid on the table.

   "Sprite, feet off the table." Briar copied Ajak's voice, before laughing. Ajak only shook her head at the joyful girl.

   "I'm sorry, but I have something to show you, okay?" Phastos pulled their leader's hand excitedly as they stopped walking in front of Phastos' new invention. "Wait 'till you see this."

   Briar stood straight as she waited for Phastos to explain what he just made.

   "What is it?" Ajak looked puzzled, yet she kept an encouraging smile on her face.

   "It's an engine." Phastos replied giddily. "It moves steam from high pressure to low pressure."

   "You know you guys have me, right?" Briar walked closer as she looked at the engine.

   "Yeah- no, you can't do that yet, and you're gonna be too busy fighting down there.. which is why it's here." Phastos shook his head.

   "Oh, okay." Briar shrugged, nodding her head at Phastos' point.

   "Right, like I said.. uh, it'll help them till their fields at an incredibly fast rate." Phastos explained.

   "It's gonna freak them out." Sprite said, playing with another utensil.

  "I mean, they only have had the wheel 1,000 years, so.." Druig spoke up, mouth full of food.

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