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   BRIAR felt a bad feeling on her stomach, making the air become tense and heavier under her commands.

  "What's going on?" Briar muttered, breaking free from Druig's hold on her wrist as she walked faster back to the houses.

  Briar's heart became heavier every step she took when she heard the loud shouts and the sound of impacts from her family.

  Many Deviants surrounded the place, making her gulp in anxiety.

  Now's not the time to get scared, Briar. You can do this. Briar thought, shaking her hands to shake off the anxiety off her.

  "It's an ambush!" Kingo announced, blasting every deviant with his hands as Sersi and Sprite stood behind him.

  Briar looked at the sky for a second, her knees a bit wobbling while her foot tapped the ground.

  I just need a go signal, c'mon. Briar waited, she took turns looking at the sky and to the Deviants that were pouncing on her family.

  Briar's eyes lit up, a small smile forming on her face when she felt the cold relief of the wind rushing past her.

  Briar ran a bit closer to the Deviants, she frowned when she saw a family inside a house, hiding in fear.

  Briar quickly ran inside the house, forming a tornado with her hands while she looked back at the family.

  "Go through the window, and get as far as you can. Bring your people with you, go!" Briar ordered as she blasted a nearing Deviant with the tornado. The family looked hesitant for a second, before they quickly jumped off the window carefully.

  Briar sighed in relief, exiting the small house and summoning the wind to even increase impact on the tornadoes.

  "Very nice, sir!" Karun yelled in astonishment, holding a camera up.

  "Kingo, why are you making him shoot you? He's gonna fucking die!" Briar walked closer to the group, pulling Karun gently away from the Deviants that were beginning to place their feet back to the ground.

  "Karun, are you mental? I told you to hide!" Kingo yelled frustratedly while Karun was being dragged away by Briar.

  "But we need action sequences!" Karun frowned.

  "Stay here, please. Call us if there's a Deviant near you." Briar patted Karun's shoulder, before running back to the center of the fight.

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