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     BRIAR couldn't speak. She couldn't move. She couldn't even think.

    She could only feel. She could only feel the grief that seemed like it was absorbing every bit of her energy and converting it to be part of her grief.

    Her heart felt like a piece of it was empty, like something's missing.

   The thing is, that missing thing was able to be identified.. but it won't be able to return anymore.

   Gilgamesh is her missing thing.

   Briar could feel the guilt appearing behind her huge grief. She felt guilty for leaving them. If she didn't leave them, maybe she could've spent some more time with Gilgamesh and Thena. 

   Maybe time would be different if she stayed, maybe if she stayed, it would've been her rather than Gilgamesh.

   But it was okay.

   She'd rather herself than Gilgamesh. She'd rather herself than everyone else.

    Briar felt herself slowly succumb back to herself a few centuries ago before she left. It may not look like it, but she felt it deep inside her. She had tried so hard to be a new person, but that didn't mean her true self would fully disappear.

    Her old self never left, and that's what makes her, her.

   No matter how many times she tries to become another person, her true self would never leave because she's nothing without it.

   Gilgamesh died seeing this me. Briar thought.

   But that's where Briar was wrong.

   Gilgamesh have never looked at Briar differently, no matter how her clothing style changed, how her mannerisms and accent changed, Gilgamesh would always see her as Briar. Not new Briar, not old Briar.

   Only Briar.

   Gilgamesh died seeing his sister. And that makes him feel contented enough.

   Briar finally broke out of her thoughts, her eyes focused on the water that reflected the bright moon. Actually, there were two moons. One is the actual moon, and the other moon is Thena.

   Thena's white clothes and her light blonde her made her shine, but like the moon had its rough surface, Thena's ethereal form was surrounded by grief.

    But unlike the whole moon that looked different every time a shadow that casted it, Thena fully lost her other half and she would never get it back.

    Briar's heart was heavy for the woman, she had friends too. But Gilgamesh was the only company Thena had for centuries, because he was willing to stay beside her even if she had Mahd Wy'ry. Gilgamesh stayed even after Thena tried to kill him so many times. Gilgamesh stayed because he wanted Thena to have her memories remain.

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