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    BRIAR squinted her eyes, removing her leather jacket as she fanned herself using her hand.

    "Is it hot?" Ikaris nudged the girl with a teasing smirk.

    "Shut up, if only you just fucking told me that we're going to take an unplanned trip to Mumbai, I would've packed clothes." Briar sighed, leaning on the plane seat in boredom.

   Ikaris was seating beside her while Sersi and Sprite were seating in front of them.

    "How did you afford plane tickets anyway? How'd you brag those stewardesses?" Briar whispered to the man when a flight attendant passed their row, giving Ikaris a flirty smile.

   "Are you forgetting that we're not humans? We're Eternals, Briar.. we always have a way." Ikaris shook his head, munching on a cashew.

   "Way to feed your ego, Ikaris." Briar rolled her eyes, looking out the window.

   "Don't listen to him, I asked Dane to arrange a flight for us three.. I spent the last of my savings for our flight.. so hopefully, Kingo comes with us." Sersi peeked from the back of her seat, throwing a look on Ikaris while she heard Sprite laugh.

   "The dedication.. I love it." Briar raised her eyebrows in amusement before clapping.

   "By the way, what happened to calling me Ika?" Ikaris nudged her while Briar stared out of the window, leaning on her hand.

   "That's hypocritical of you, I thought you didn't like the nickname?" Briar kept her eyes on the window, she didn't spare the man a glance because she just wanted to ignore him.

  "I used to, but I miss the old Briar." Ikaris replied.

  "Well Ika, old Briar tells you to fuck off." Briar sighed, plugging her earphones in before turning the full volume of her music.

  "Did you girls hear that? I am hurt." Ikaris gestured to the sleeping girl next to him.

  "You're gonna have to get used to that, Ikaris. We haven't seen her in a while.. it's normal for her to change." Sprite peeked from their seat this time, shrugging.

  Ikaris sighed, looking at the sleeping girl beside him. He hadn't been that close with Briar, but her personality now had a wide range from her personality before. He wasn't used to it.


    Briar woke up, yawning as the her clogged ear because of the high pressure cleared, she looked at Ikaris who was sleeping this time.

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