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   THE SEVEN Eternals plus Karun stepped out of Kingo's jet, half of them including Briar were slightly relieved that they could now feel the fresh wind instead of the irritating heat they felt yesterday.

  "You okay?" Ikaris next to her spoke as they walked. Briar turned to him with an offended look.

  "We're just visiting Druig, why shouldn't I be?" Briar spoke, turning her head above to see the beautiful trees of the rainforest dangle over them.

  "Just?" Ikaris raised an eyebrow at her, his eyes seemed to be teasing her.

  "Fuck off, Ikaris." Briar deadpanned, moving her gaze back to the peaceful town. There were kids running around, women walked side by side holding baskets of clothes. Men worked together, whether it may be hammering wood or watering the plants.

  Everything seemed to work so well.

  "Nah, I'm not gonna leave you alone. You're going to need all the courage when you see him again." Ikaris smirked, placing his hands in his pockets.

  "I'm starting to think you're obsessed about our interactions, you're a fan, huh?" Briar mirrored his expression, kicking pebbles with her boots while she fidgeted with the small knives inside her shirt, wrapped in a belt.

  "You could say that." Ikaris joked, he then nudged her next. "How could you walk so casually on those?"

  Briar followed his eyes and it fell on her heeled boots.

  "Years of practice." Briar huffed, clutching her leather jacket close to her as she felt a rush of breeze through her. "You should've seen me fight in these babies."

  "I never understood women.. why fight in boots, when you can just wear flat shoes?" Ikaris shook his head, staring at Sersi's back. "Sersi never did.. I think."

  "Because, if we die, we need to look our best." Briar smirked, feeling something in her pocket. She grabbed it and saw an unopened nutribar.

  "Hungry?" Briar held the nutribar up, Ikaris took it before he opened it.

  "I didn't know you pack food for trips." Ikaris said, mouth full of the food.

  "I just saw that in my pocket, I think it was stashed.. five years ago?" Briar did a thinking pose, hiding her smirk when she heard Ikaris spit it away.

  "I didn't know you had the desire to kill me." Ikaris wiped his mouth with his sleeves as he kept the nutribar in his pocket.

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