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   BRIAR looked out the window, sitting on the passenger seat while Sersi drove her car, Ikaris and Sprite were seating at the back.

   "This silence is killing me, you know? How about.. why don't you tell me why you're not together?" Briar spoke, shocking the three who didn't expect her to say one word.

  "It's a long story.." Ikaris spoke while he gazed at Sersi.

  "I know that I left without saying goodbye.. but that's not enough reason for me to not know about what happened with my family, right?" Briar leaned on the window, throwing a look at the three.

  "Okay.. I'll explain it." Sprite shot up from her seat, excited to talk to Briar again. "Years after you left.. we went to this place called Tenochtitlan.. there was a huge war that was going on with the people even when we finished killing the Deviants in that place."

  "Okay.. continue." Briar nodded at Sprite, realizing that she lied when Natasha was the only person she had a soft spot for. She had always got a soft spot for the ginger girl.. and it never left.

  "Phastos told us that there were only a few more places we should go to.. until we killed the last of the Deviants. Druig tried to stop the people from killing each other.. but Ajak told him not to. Until Thena started to hurt us one by one, she wouldn't stop until all of us were dead.. but Ajak was able to stop her." Sprite continued, making Briar frown at this.

  "It turns out.. when Thena saw the chaos happening.. it triggered her Mahd Wy'ry." Sprite sighed heavily, making Briar's frown deepen.

  "I thought Mahd Wy'ry was a myth?" Briar asked, remembering the stories about it from her very first century.

  "That's what we thought too.. apparently it wasn't." Ikaris spoke up but was silenced by Sersi.

  "There was no other cure for it, so Ajak suggested to erase all of Thena's memories.. but Thena wanted to remember her life, so Gilgamesh said he'd stay with Thena to keep her intact." Sprite said.

  Briar blinked away the tears that were forming in her eyes, this was not the time to get emotional. All these centuries she didn't allow herself to be vulnerable, but now she was slowly melting back to her old self.

  "This highly upset Druig.. so he left, bringing those people with him somewhere.. after that, Ajak told us to go live our lives.. so we separated from each other, but now we're here because we all thought that all Deviants were killed.. but we were wrong." Sprite finished talking while a silence covered them once again.

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