Chapter 4

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A/N: I added a bit to the last chapter, so read the end of that before you read this. Enjoy :)

PS I love Ian so much he's so nice and good :)

            After Ariel came, things started to get a little better. I modeled my face and behavior after her no-nonsense, nonchalant personality. She had a sarcastic response to everything and her sharp tongue would sometimes land her into a bit of trouble. But, of course, Ariel laughed it off and promised she wouldn’t do it again, even though everybody knew she would.

    Later at night, Ariel and I would finish our homework and then lie down on one of the beds and talk. It was nice. Although she was bold and cocky, she was a good listener and offered reasonable advice.

            Willa started to speak more, but only after one lunch when Ariel asked if she was mute. When Willa told her no, she wasn’t, Ariel cocked an eyebrow and told her that she should talk more. Willa reserved her more lengthy speech for us, and only spoke outside of that to teachers in clipped, short sentences. However, whenever she spoke, she had a genius idea or some sort of acute observation to share.

            Ian waved to me when I saw him, and occasionally would stop to talk to me. He was a member of a large group of friends with all the pretty junior girls. They were the ones I admired, always smiling and laughing and looking beautiful. When Ian waved or talked to me and they were around, they were very nice to me, completely unalike the pretty girl group in my grade. The one time I told Ian that I aspired to be like them, he laughed and tapped my nose with one of his long fingers, a gesture he always seemed to do when he thought I was being cute or naïve.

            “Why?” He finally managed to get out.

            I reddened. “I don’t know. Because they’re pretty and nice and have guy friends and… and…” I gazed down at my skinny arms and flat chest. “And they’re all… full.”

            Ian’s eyes crinkled in understanding and he laughed so hard that he was clutching his stomach, his laughter coming out in gasping breaths.

            “You mean they’ve got tits?” He asked crudely, his eyebrows wiggling.

            I hit him on his arm. “Ian!”

            “What? Remy, you are pretty and nice. And you have a guy friend.” He puffed out his chest and gestured to himself.

            “You don’t count. You’re too much of an idiot.”
            “And,” he continued, ignoring my slight. “You’re going to fill out. There’s this little thing called puberty you know.”

            I immediately became incredibly embarrassed that Ian Blom was talking to me about my future chest. “You are such an idiot,” I repeated, looking away, while he continued to laugh.


            I unlocked my room one afternoon and saw that it was empty. I stripped and hopped into the shower. While I was washing my hair, I started to hum. It was a piano song that I had mastered right before coming to Blackburrow. I felt a pang in my heart. I hadn't played since I got here. The music department here is pretty small, and mostly dominated by older students. I made a mental note to find a piano during one of my free periods. I continued to sing the song, while I got out of the shower. I dried off and exited the bathroom. Ariel was sitting in the bed, with a grin on her face.

            “Damn, Remington. You can sing!”

            I raised my eyebrow. “Right." I laughed it all

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