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post season one of the umbrella academy

" did we do it? "

" i think so. "

" yay. go team. "

when five pulls his siblings through time and back to when they were all thirteen, he hadn't been thinking about much more than saving their dumbasses and saving vanya, so it was a surprise to find he'd accidentally changed the timeline and that their father actually gave a crap about them

authors note

there are six chapters of phase one of this story. it is mostly just the umbrella academy kids, focusing mostly on five, adjusting to having a father who gives a crap, and a quick guest star of tony stark and pepper potts. i tried to make it as vague as possible regarding five's background, since all will be revealed about my twist to his time with the commission.

i hope you all enjoy!

date written : 11 / 12 / 2020
date published : 12 / 06 / 2023
edited : yes
word count : 167

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