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hargreeves family mansion...

new york city, new york...


When Grace found her son, he was leant over the toilet and emptying the content of his stomach. A small frown marring her features, she knelt down and put a hand on his shoulder. He gave a full-body flinch under the touch but just retched without complaint. He pulled away, a low groan escaping him, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth.

"Are you alright, Adrian?" Grace asked.

"I'm fine." Five grumbled. Grace raised an eyebrow, and he sighed. "It wasn't the food. My taste buds have not been the same in, oh, decades now. Everything tastes bland, and I haven't kept a full meal down since I was ten."

"Is this a cause of your extended stay in the apocalypse?" Grace asked him carefully.

"Partially." He nodded. He wasn't even close to being ready to mention his time with the Commission. "I've always, as long as I could remember, had some kind of eating problem. It was only exacerbated by the Commission and growing old in a post-apocalyptic wasteland."

"How is your stomach?" Grace asked gently. He considered the question.

"Fine." He admitted tersely. He considered himself, but like fuck was he going to admit anything to anyone. He couldn't afford to have any weaknesses.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"Voluntarily, two weeks ago, when I was still with the Commission." Five deadpanned. "Involuntarily, two days ago after I passed out from blood loss. Was kinda busy, trying to save those assholes lives."

"Those are your siblings, Adrian." Grace frowned.

"They're still assholes. They didn't believe me, so I couldn't trust 'em to help me." Five yawned at that exact moment, cursing silently.

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