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hargreeves family mansion...

new york city, new york...


When Five woke up the next morning, his chest hurt, but not in the same way it would if somebody had just broken his ribs. Grunting, Five got to his feet and walked over to the mirror, lifting his shirt to inspect the damage. His bruising had already started fading, gone from a dark purple to a sickly green he knew would be gone by lunch. His cut was also mostly healed, so he found a pair of scissors and tweezers and removed the small line of stitching. He wiped down the injury, double-checked his knee and ankle which were perfectly healed, and got dressed. He was halfway inside his closet when his siblings barged into his room. They were all dressed for their school work and when Five glanced at his clock he saw he missed breakfast. He briefly wondered why nobody had woken him, then dismissed the thought. He wasn't hungry anyway. Five noticed that Vanya was wearing Klaus' shorts, since they were considerably too long, and Klaus was wearing her plaid dress. He felt something odd in his chest but shoved it down.

"What?" He snapped irritably, shooting them a look that had Luther and Klaus shift.

"Are you okay?" Vanya asked timidly. Briefly, Five wondered why he wouldn't be, memories of his previous childhood hazy. Truthfully his time in the apocalypse had done a lot of damage to his psyche and considering that mentally Five was fifty-eight-years-old.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked them, finding his tie and pulling it around his neck. He hated it, right down to his core, and quickly removed it and tossed it back into the cupboard.

"We left you alone with dad." Luther pointed out quietly.

"And who's fault is that?" Diego hissed. Luther winced but didn't deny it. A memory pushed to the surface of the last nightmare he had, two days before he ran away, and his expression went carefully blank.

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