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phase one...

post-season 1 of the umbrella academy

" god, you act like i meant to get stuck in that post-apocalyptic nightmare! "

" well, you ran away on purpose... "

" because i was angry! i didn't plan on my core being so thoroughly depleted i couldn't even jump! my powers were gone for 30 years, number two. so don't even begin to think you can comprehend what i endured. "

" i'm sorry. "

" i went through hell, and all i ever thought about was coming home. and now we have a chance to have somewhat normal childhoods. think about that next time you decide to take your anger out on me. "

five and diego hargreeves

date written : 10 / 12 / 2020
date published : 16
 / 02 / 2022
edited : yes
word count : 132

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