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hargreeves family mansion...

greenwich village, new york city, new york...


It took him the better part of an hour to copy down the equations, but they didn't take up much more than the first couple of pages of the book. After, he'd jumped straight into the bathroom he knew was empty and locked the door, washing the chalk off his hands before stripping off his blood-stained clothes and stepping under the cool spray of the shower. It took a few minutes to get it to a temperature that didn't him spiralling into a panic attack, and he only took a few minutes to clean himself before he finished. He turned off the shower and wrapped himself in a towel, gathered his clothes, unlocked the door and jumped back to his bedroom. He winced at the pain on landing, stumbling back against his bed.

"Fucking hell." Five cursed. He dropped his clothes on the floor, reaching for the roll of sports tape and scissors sitting on his dresser and he expertly wrapped his ankle and knee once he dried off. It helped, though there wasn't much Five could do for the bruising on his ribs since his side was stitched up. Eventually, he got up, heading for the closet at the far side of his room. Five stood in front of his closet, the notebook sitting on the desk, gawking. He'd never actually owned so many options of clothing before, and deciding what to wear was, decidedly, daunting. Shirts hung up next to his five academy uniforms. There was a four-box shelf, each containing different kinds of trousers along one wall. A longer box sat on top, full of pyjamas. Shoes, four different pairs, lined up against the opposite wall. The chest of drawers at the far back of the closet was filled with t-shirts of different kinds. It threw him off, but he shook his head and slowly picked out clean clothes. Fresh underwear, a pair of fluffy socks that felt like heaven under his fingers. He chose a red t-shirt with a small stencilled planet over the breast. None of the jeans or corduroy trousers felt right, but he found a pair of leggings in the pyjama box that was made of a thick, dark grey material that, like the rest of the clothes picked, felt soft. He was sitting on the bed, slowly pulling on his socks when there was a knock at the door.

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