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"did i ever tell you about my team?" five asked his siblings one night a few years after the time travel.

"team?" luther frowned. "you mean at the commission?"

"yeah." five nodded, looking at the floor. his siblings attention was on him. "we uh, we were the best of the best. the handler called us her biggest success. we were all children who were lost, somehow. we were the perfect combination of angry, broken, and we had different skills that meshed together. we were nicknamed after greek gods and goddesses."

"what happened?" vanya asked softly, squeezing his hand.

"i don't know." five shrugged. "she sent me on the jfk mission and then i came here. they're not dead, i'd know it, right here," five tapped his chest over his heart, "but i don't know where they are."

"maybe we can find them." diego suggested.

"how?" five asked skeptically. "we were all yanked out of different times, different dimensions."

"are you sure about that?" klaus asked, raising a brow. "doesn't seem like the kinda woman who wouldn't just lie to a group of kids to get them to do whatever she needed them to." five stared at klaus.

"there's no harm in looking, five." diego suggested. "come on, we can ask dad to put their names into his data thingy."

"his data collection program, diego." ben rolled his eyes.

"whatever, nerd." everyone broke down into giggles as five got up to follow diego. he stopped at the door, glancing back at his siblings that were laughing and smiling. and he felt a sense of peace.

date written : 10 / 12 / 2021
date published : 12
 / 06 / 2023
edited : yes
word count : 273

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