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hargreeves family mansion...

new york city, new york...


Apparently, sixteen days was all the respite and adjustment Reginald could swing for them, and they had to continue their extracurriculars. For Five, learning that he was to inherit Hargreeves International had been somewhat of a surprise. He hadn't even known their father had a business, let alone that one of them was destined to take over after he retired when he and his siblings turned twenty-one.

"So, there will be several things that you are not aware of that need to be addressed, Five." Reginald began. They were seated in his office, and Five was probably not dressed for such an important meeting. He was wearing bright pink leggings he stole from Vanya's closet and a loose black t-shirt that was soft as hell but hung off one shoulder. Reginald however hadn't seemed to care, and it was a Sunday, so he took it. "Hargreeves International is prominently in the medical technology business. We produce most of the world's medical supplies, from bandages to MRI machines. Last year, you impressed Stark Industries with a piece of technology that was years beyond anything any of us has seen before." Reginald showed him the plans, something Five had seen before. He remembered building it from scraps in the middle of the apocalypse. Powered by solar energy, it could heal minor injuries in less than ten seconds.

"I remember making this." Five nodded. "It saved me from infection quite a few times in my life."

"Due to this, you were offered an Internship, and you accepted." Five raised an eyebrow. "You are also set to inherit the CEO position when you turn twenty-one."

"Um, what?" Five blurted.

"You were the only one who showed an interest in the business."

"I'm an assassin." Five said flatly. "I haven't the first idea of how to listen to people, let alone run an entire business."

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