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greenwich village, manhattan, new york city, new york . . .

2002 . . .

earth-616 . . .

The Icarus Theatre was, thankfully, empty, when seven thirteen-year-olds appeared in the middle of the theatre in a flash of electric blue energy that they'd come to attribute Five and Klaus' powers with sharp shouts of shock and surprise and one yelp of pain. They all went sprawling across the stage, Luther still holding his sister tight, so she didn't get hurt when he fell. Ben and Klaus landed on top of each other, and all the siblings were frozen. Pain sparked through all of Five's senses as he tried to regain his footing but ultimately landed on his side in an uncoordinated sprawl, pain shooting through his entire body like he was being squeezed in a vice.

"D-did we m-make it?" Diego asked carefully, pushing himself upright. "Five?" The teenager let out a low groan instead of replying, pale skin flush and a hand pressing against his abdomen. Five gritted his teeth, managing to push himself into a somewhat seated position.

"Well we look thirteen again," Klaus said once Ben had rolled off him. "So, that should count as successful, right?" The siblings minus Five and Vanya exchanged wary glances but reluctantly nodded.

"We should get back before dad gets too angry," Ben said rather reluctantly, making his actual, alive presence noticed. Before he knew it he was bombarded by Allison and Diego, and he and Klaus got knocked backwards. It startled a laugh out of Ben, who wrapped his arms around his siblings just as tight. After a moment they all separated, and Luther gave his brother a bright grin that came with the promise of a hug later.

"Fivey?" Klaus crawled across the stage to Five, who had barely moved from where he landed, other than moving upright, although it looked like it was taking all of his effort to stay seated and not collapse onto the floor. Klaus put his hand on Five's forehead. "Holy- he's burning up!"

"'M fine." Five swatted Klaus' hand off him. Diego levelled him with a stare.

"Oh yeah? If you can stand up without blacking out we'll believe you." Five shot his brother a sharp glare but didn't even consider trying to move without assistance. His entire body felt like he'd been through a shredder, skin taut, his side burning like fire against his skin, and his ankle still hurt. He knew he'd heal, but it didn't mean it didn't fucking hurt right then and there.

"Ben? Ima need some help." Five reluctantly admitted. The siblings gathered themselves up, Klaus and Ben staying crouched beside Five.

"I can carry him best on my back," Ben said. Klaus nodded and got behind Five, helping him upright. Five furrowed his brow and tensed his jaw, trying not to scream from the pain of being jostled or flinch away from Klaus' hands on him. He wrapped his arms around Ben's neck, and he stood, not even phased by the additional weight of his brother. "Jesus, Five. You weigh less than Klaus!"

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