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It was the holidays, but it was even more fun.pony was coming to stay at a Grimmauld place, Kreacher didn't mind, but he had to stop with his pureblood brain aswell. The press has died down on my father, which is good but he is still in hiding somewhere with Buckbeak, he will return home soon. I know he will

I'm now packing my things to go to the Weasley's burrow, they had invited me to come with them to the quidditch World Cup! How cool is that! Ireland versus Bulgaria. Moony didn't mind that he would be alone, plus he needed time to recover from himself, that full moon a some weeks ago hit him hard. The scar on my chest hast gone, I don't expect it will be gone for a few years.

I packed everything in my trunk, yes I did know how to apparate. I got all my things, money,sweets everything!

'Bye Moony' I hugged him as he weakly did back

'Bye Nora' he smiled

I then disapparated and landed infront of the Burrow. It was literally like 5 am, of course you had to get up early for these kinds of things, the lights were on in the burrow. I knocked on the door to see Mrs Weasley open the door

'Ah! You must be Evanora! Yes come in, we've heard a lot about you, mainly from those two twins' she chirped letting me in

The burrow had a homely vibe. And it was cosy, I loved it.

'Now, if you'll go upstairs you'll see Fred and George's bedroom, now go!' She smiled

'Thank...er Mrs Weasley' I nodded my head in gratitude

'Oh nonsense! Call me Molly!' She smiles warmly

I loved this family. I walked up the stairs, I wanted to scare them. I then got to the door and busted the door down. They all jumped. But then saw it was me

'Dear Godric, you gave us a scare! We didn't know you were coming' Fred exclaimed, their room was full of prank stuff

'Now this pranking room is my dream' i smiles

'Yeah, sadly we aren't plotting any at the quidditch World Cup, but you're supporting Ireland, right?' George asks putting face paint on. Fred aswell.

'Well.....' I shrugged

'We won't take no for an answer' Fred chased me around the room with face paint on his hands. I started running but George caught me, of course. There were two of them.

'Hold still' Fred our green paint on my face. I tried to scramble away from George's grasp, they all laughed. When they were done I looked in the mirror.

'Oh god I look like a Slytherin quidditch supporter' I said

'No you don't, you look fine' The twins crossed their arms

Soon Hermione came out of nowhere.

'Nora, can you help Ronald get up. I've tried and he isn't getting up' she asked for help

I walked out it the room. And towards the other room on the landing.

'Watch and learn, Mione. Watch and learn' i whipped my wand out

'Aguamenti' i incarnated towards Ron as cold water was all over him. He woke up instantly, drenched

'What did you do that for?' He asked looking at me

'Well...you didn't want to get up, so Mione asked me for help. And....' I trailed off running out of the room towards to twins

'Let's go, we need to eat' Fred got his stuff downstairs along with George, they each had rucksacks.

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