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I went to meet Draco at the Astronomy tower. We talked about the silliest of things for hours. We couldn't be too loud while laughing because the teachers were on patrol. But here I am, getting up and putting my Gryffindor robes on. Hermione waiting patiently for me to get changed. I put a spray of perfume on before we ran down to breakfast.

I walked over to the Gryffindor table, everyone had been really pissed at Harry because of the stupid Prophet. It's saying Harry is a liar, and now everyone accept me, Hermione and Ron are the only ones that believe him. Other than Neville and Ginny.

I sat opposite Ron. I took some toast and tea. I looked at the Slytherin table, Draco staring right back at me, a simple smirk on his face. Gosh that face I wanted to smack so badly, but I couldn't. His face..his face was too beautiful to even lay a finger on.

'Who are you looking at?' Ron asked with his mouth full

'Nobody.' I teared my eyes

'Doesn't look like nobody' Hermione interjected

'I was just...thinking' I lied

'About what?' Hermione's eyebrows raised

'Pranks' I said in a daze

It wasn't a prank. Love wasn't a prank anymore. Draco was a target, a target for my love.

Hermione let it go. As we all teamed up to see Harry approach us.

'Hey..can I sit with you guys?' He said shyly

'Prongs, are you stupid. We are your friends of course you can sit here, what lunatic says that' I joked

'Pardon me Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?' Umbridge's voice squealed from outside the Great Hall

'I wonder what's happening now.' I rolled my eyes

All of us Gryffindors and some of the other houses walked out to see McGonagall and Umbridge on the steps. Of course McGonagall being the Girlboss she is will obliterate Umbridge.

'I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the described disciplinary practices' shot back McGonagall

I then felt someone hold my hand, I looked from next to me to see Draco smiling whilst looking doers. His metal rings were cold against my warm skin. I squeezed his hand tightly, I smiled.

I resumed on Umbridge and McGonagall

'So silly of me but it sounds as if your questioning my authority in my own classroom...Minerva' stared Umbridge moving a step up like she's royalty. Gosh when will this woman learn. She is made of pure evil. I'm starting to hate her more than You-Know-Who.

'Not at all, Dolores, merely your medieval methods' McGonagall fumed stepping up to be in Umbridge's eyeline

This is why McGonagall is my favourite teacher, she can put any teacher in her or his place by just some words! Brilliant!We all just stood there. Watching.

'Get rid of that gremlin, McGonagall!' I hyped

I heard some people start to laugh.

Umbridge started rambling on about McGonagall's disloyalty, and this offended the queen. How dare she?!

'Oh this bitch did not, she's only been here a few weeks and acts like she owns the place.' I muttered to Draco who hummed in agreement

'This gremlin cunt needs some karma' i fumed

'Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared' she looked at everyone else. She told us peers.

'Cornelius would want to take immediate action! Miss Black you come to my office at once!' Everyone eyes followed to my face as Umbridge spoke

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