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The day after was worse, Hermione couldn't stop crying, she couldn't go five minutes without crying. We were not on the cliff side anymore. We were in the woods.

Harry and I watched from afar seeing Hermione tie a piece of cloth to a nearby tree, silence filling the air.

Me and Harry exchanged sentences about Hermione, how sullen she had been.

She walked up with was an indicator that we were apparatimg back to the cliff side.

We then came to the cliff side and me and Harry looked at Hermione who started to cry again.

'Mione he isn't worth your tears' i cooed but she just shoved it off.

It was quiet that day, and you know I hate silence. It was just us trying to figure what to do next. I just looked at the wanted poster of my father. I need guidance. I just couldn't stop thinking about yesterday.

Harry was doing protective enchantments. Thankfully nobody had found us yet.

Food was tight, to be honest I just hope I see an apple tree.
Night fell upon us, still silence. The radio was playing songs, we were all sat on opposite sides of the room
I wish I was at Hogwarts, I probably would of seem Draco because only Purebloods were allowed in.

And I was Halfblood.

Hermione hugged her knees tight as she looked into the lantern beside her.

Soon a pretty song began to play.

Harry gave out his hand for her, she was abrupt at first but then took it.

Hey little train, wait for me
I once was blind but now I see
Have you left a seat for me?
Is that such a stretch of the imagination?

I watched them both of slow dancing together. I swayed to the music. I saw Hermione cracked a smile.

Hey little train, we are all jumping on
The train that goes to the Kingdom
We're happy, Ma, we're havin fun (ooh, children)
It's beyond my wildest expectation (ooh, children)

I smiled knowing Harry wanted to cheer Hermione up. I knew how distraught she had been.

I then felt myself getting into the rhythm, imagine Draco dancing with me here. Just us two. This brings me back to the Yule Ball. I closed my eyes imagining us.

The train that goes to the Kingdom
We're happy, Ma, we're having fun (ooh, children)
And the train ain't even left the station (ooh, children)

They kept going, they looked proper into it. Like they were a couple. I'm pretty sure at some point Harry did have a crush on her.

Hey little train, wait for me
I once was blind but now I see, ooh

Then I saw Hermione pull away like something was holding her back, I knew who it was. Ron. She then walked outside with her sad expression again.

Hermione didn't return. I heard Harry's snitch buzz in the air. It was flying above his head as he stared at it.

I then looked back to my fathers face. Soon I saw Harry leap up with an excited expression.

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