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I didn't sleep well. The second task is hours away. So me, Ron and Harry and Hermione were in the library. Looks like Harry has found out the egg. But doesn't know what I means because it's a riddle. Harry rested his chin on a thick book. We've been looking for hours for a answer, we were not so lucky.

Hermione was walking around. I was just perched on the table.

'Come seek us where our voices sound' Harry explains again

'The Black Lake, that's obvious' Hermione stated

Ron was asleep until Mione nudged him awake. This was like four am here. And I was dozing off thinking about it.

'What else did it say?' I asked

'An hour long you'll have to look...' he trailed off

'Again, obvious. Third mystery potentially problematic' she replied

Me and Prongs just looked at her.

'Potentially problematic?! When's the last time you held your breath underwater, Hermione' Harry spat

''We will find a way. Of course these tasks aren't going to be easy, we have to be prepared for everything and anything. Maybe there is a plant..to help you breath...or maybe, nevermind. I questioned

'Look, Harry. We-we can do this. The four of us will figure it out.' Hermione sat down next to Harry

'Rather you than me and Ron, Mione. We could hardly even pass McGonagall's transfiguration test' I scoffed

Soon Mad-eye Moody walked in. I tensed up.

'Hate to break up the scholars session. Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office.' He exclaimed

We all bounced up.

'No you, Black or Potter. Just, Weasley and Granger' he looked at the redhead and the fluffy bouncer haired girl

'Sir, why would McGonagall want them now? It's like four am' I said suspiciously

'Never mind, ask McGonagall after.' He said harshly

'But sir, the second task is only hours away and—-' Hermione got cut off

'Exactly, presumably Potter is better prepared by now and could do with a good nights sleep' Moody eyed Harry

'Go. Now' Moody ordered

We all started clearing up the mountains of books. Moody then ordered Neville to help us clear up. Hermione and Ron have exited. But I was curious to what they were doing

So I snuck out and went to see where they were leading them to. I hid behind a wall where I saw Hermione and Ron meet McGonagall outside a golden Phoenix. The Phoenix moved and steps appeared. What was this?

She hushed them inside. Once they were down. I saw the steps still there so I ran and just about got in. I went down the spiral steps trying to be as quite as possible. It was Dumbledore's office. I opened the door and peeked in. We saw..a little beauxbaton girl, Mione, Ron and Cho Chang. All the leaders of the two other schools were crowding round them.

They were all seated and got given some tea. Somethings up, I know it is.

'Drink up!' McGonagall asked

Soon they all drank. But my eyes widened when they all collapsed to the floor, like they were dead. What did they do to them?

'We will hide them in the Black Lake. But this could be bad if the champions don't find them when the times up, they'll die' Dumbledore exclaimed as the teachers helped up the students. I caught my breath.

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