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The next day went by in a blur, Umbridge has been nothing but a menace. Even Hermione got fed up of it after a while. On the other hand, Draco was being the bully he usually is. We could not bare her anymore. But me and Draco would always meet in secret sometimes. But somedays he would always distance himself, for no reason. But why? Me and the twins along with the rest of the Gryffindors were in the common room. Until Neville bursted in

'I've found it!' He shouted

We all turned our heads to see a happy look on his face

'Found what,Neville?' I asked

'Just come!' He said pulling me from my seat. Harry and the rest got up as he lead us to a wall. A plain boring old wall.

'Really, Neville? An stupid old wall?' I blurted out

Soon something began to appear on the wall, it was dark. Until a door formed. Neville opened the door as we all went in, and when we did, everyone was wondered.

'Neville you've found it...' Hermione looked around the spacious room.

'The room of requirement' I breathed out

' it's perfect' Harry smiled

It was a nice sized room, thank to Neville who looked proud.

'It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back' Harry smiled

'I mean, we are Gryffindors, we don't stand down to anyone not even the Slytherins' I smirked

We all went back before curfew. The days getting longer, homework deadlines getting bigger. Draco and I hang out in secret. Mainly at the astronomy tower. Which was where I was planning to go to tonight. One I had reached the top of the tower I saw Draco. With a red rose in his hand, his hair...gelled?! And a black suit on which mixes in with the starry night sky.

'You made it' he said flustered

'Why wouldn't I?' I smiled

He looked more nervous than anything, it was nice to see some emotion come from Draco Malfoy.

'Is Draco Malfoy nervous?!' I teased

'N-no, I'm not...I'm not' he said unsurely, still with the rose in his hand

'Is that for me?' I asked

'Oh this, er y-yes' he came forward and handed it to me.

I took it from him and smelt it. It was very romantic. We were very close. The heat radiating from each other as our breaths mixed in with each other.

'Tonight is special' he concluded

'Why?' I asked

'You'll see, but first...care to dance?' He asked taking his hand out

I nodded and was intently pulled into him. We stared into each others eyes, the stars in the sky shining in his eyes. Who knew two star-crossed people could fall inlove? Was there potential? We danced and danced, him spinning me around.

'I should of done this when it was the night of the Yule Ball' he said

' I don't think you would of got me that easily' I raised my eyebrows

'You don't see it? You're made for me.' He finished

I was stunned. Nobody ever told me that.

'You make me feel this...type of way. I can't even describe it' desire lingered in his voice

'I make a lot of people feel like that' I toyed with him

'But no one has ever tempted me as much as you do...' he said in his deep voice

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