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We all knew Harry was at the Dursley's. I was at Grimmauld place where the order was. Moody, Tonks, Remus and others formed a plan

Of course I was in, so was Ron and Mione. Soon in the dead of night we came to 4 Privet Drive. And knocked on the door, Hagrid was here too. Harry opened it utterly surprised. We each took a turn to hug him as we walked into what looked like a living room

'I see the Dursley's have finally gone' I joked

I stood next to the twins, who looked handsome as ever.

'Kingsley I thought you were looking after the prime minister?' Harry questioned

'You are more important' he looks at us

'Rude. I get he's the chosen one, but we are all endangered, Shacklebolt' I smirked
He took it as a joke

'You're important too, Evanora' he smiled humbly

In the middle of us there was a brown bag on the floor, with something filled in it.

I see Fleur walk in with Bill. I doubt Harry has met Bill, he's quite the fun guy. Not as fun as Fred and George though.

'Hello Harry. Bill Weasley' the redhead bubbly shook Harry's hand

'Oh, pleasure to meet you' Harry smiled warmly shaking it

'He was never always this handsome, dead ugly' Fred smirks, as me and George held in our laughter

'Is Freddie and Georgie getting jealous? Because they don't have to looks like Bill?' i fake pouted to tease them

'Shut up, Ev.' They nudged me playfully

'Owe it all to a werewolf, name of Greyback' he pointed to the scar that was all down his face

'I know who he is, load of bullshit' I rolled my eyes

Fleur lunged to kiss Bills cheek. That was cute, I knew they were getting married soon, but in a war?

Moony and Tonks followed standing by the door.

'My husband, the joker, by the way wait until you hear the news, Remus and I—' Tonks got cut off by
the real Mad Eye Moody

I wonder what she was going to say

'What we're you going to say?' I whisper

'I'll tell you later' Tonks winked

'All right, we'll have time for a cozy catch-up later. We've got to get the hell out of here. And soon.'
Moody shoved people out the way, the nerve

'You know Moody, at least be a bit politer' i remarked as he glared at me but turned his attention to Harry.

'Potter you're underaged, which means you've still got the trace on you.' Moody states

'We have a trace?' I scrunched my face up in confusion

'What's the trace?' Harry eagerly asks

'If you sneeze the Ministry will know who wiped your nose, we have to use those means of transport the trace can't detect' Moody answers

'Creepy much?' I said

He then rambles on and on. Until he pulled out a goblet, the one he used in fourth year.

'I have a feeling you're familiar with this particular brew' he unclasped the cap

'No absolutely not' Harry rejected

'Told you he'd take it well' Hermione says sarcastically

'No, if you think we're gonna let anyone risk their lives for me, I—' Harry settled everyone down

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