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I was in the library, alone. I was funny enough searching for a new occupation. So I turned to reading. Harry told me he has some weird dreams, but Dumbledore told him not to worry about it. But I am. So I'm trying to find a book for the answer.

'Hey' someone said behind me

I jumped and swung a book around and hit the person..oh, it was Draco.

'Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry' I said as he rubbed his forehead

'You have a good swing, not going to lie' he smiled

'Er, thanks. What brings you here?' I ask

'More like Evanora Black? In the library?! Hey! The library is like my home, I'm here nearly most of the time' he said

'So your like Hermione but in Slytherin?' I chuckled

'Yeah...no. I would kill myself if I were her' he mutters as I hit the book on his head messing his hair up

'Ouch' he yelps

'Don't talk about Mione like that. Stupid prick' I whispered

Wait...this made me realise how much I missed Mione. I just defended her, maybe I was wrong? Who knows.

'Okay okay I take that back' he surrenders

'You better, even if I still am a bit mad at Mione nobody disrespects her under my watch, you hear me?!' I threaten

'Okay okay. I'm sorry' he said

'You better be. Because if you mess with Mione, you mess with me. And boy if you mess with me, don't forget what I did to you. I made your hair pink, but I could of done way worse' I said coldly grabbing his tie and pulling him closer

'Do.You.Understand?! If not I would put the Draught of living death in your pumpkin juice if you disrespect Hermione again' I smirk

He looked genuinely terrified.

'Well. I'd never thought I'd be getting threats from a Gryffindor' he laughed

I pulled him closer by his tie.

'I can choke you, with your own tie' I smiled

'Oh I don't think you would be doing that, Evie' he replied

'Evie? That's not my name, it's Evanora.' I said

I felt a shiver down my spine. I felt his hands find a place on my hips. He laughed and I could smell the mint.

'Can I call you Evie?' He asked

'No. It's only Evanora for usual people, Nora or Ev, for friends. But defiantly not Evie' I frowned

'Well, I'm special so..I'm calling you Evie, if you like it or not' he said

'Are you special?' I raised my eyebrows

'Am I not?' He pulled away looking at me

'I'm asking you, Dracie ' I smirked

'Don't call me that, I don't want you turning into Pansy' he said

'Then don't call me Evie' I crossed my arms

'Gosh you Gryffindors suck.' He throws his hands in the air

'No we don't, Slytherin's are just sore losers because us Gryffindors outsmart them' i looked at him

He didn't say anything back. Almost like he agreed.

'I've been thinking.' He said after a long silence

'About what?' I asked

'Us.' He said not catching my gaze as he leaned on the books

'What about us?' I ask

'Look, I know what I did was fucked up. But my heart has always been with you. Only you, Evie. I beg for you to take me back. You're the only person I can really trust' he bowed his head

'How long have you felt that?' I queried

'Isn't it obvious?! I love you, I've loved you since third year! Can't you not see?! Evanora I love you, I love you more than love itself' he came up and cupped my face, he looked like he was going to cry. A sparkle in his eye twinkled as orbs continued to collide.

He tucked a strand of my thick black curly hair behind my ear

'It's you, it's always been you, Ev' he exclaimed reading a finger over my lips

The sexual tension was high. I could see the desire in his stormy grey eyes.

'Evie, I beg one last time. Take me back, I miss you' he said

'Than show me' I nodded

He didn't waste any time. He smashed his lips onto mine. Oh my and it was real. He started to moan as well. My hands flew to his hair. We passionately made out which sent fireworks inside my stomach. Oh how it felt right.

Soon we heard someone high pitched cough. We both stopped to see Umbridge standing before us. We both pushed away from each other looking embarrassed.

'Miss Black, please come with me. Boy and girls are not permitted to be within 8 inches of each other.  This clearly breaches regulations!' She exclaimed

'Oh shut up you low life pink toad, you're probably just sad that nobody wanted you when you were younger. I see why now' I eyed her

'Oh you insolent child!' She shouted

'Call me what you want, bitch' I challenged the woman

'Come with me now!' She demanded

'First, you got to catch me you old hag!' I got out my wand and fired the 'stupefy' spell knocking her out. Her peers, aka other Slytherin's looked at her in shock. Wow this spell actually works! So the DA did help!

'Well, I can't stay long! Nice meeting you all' I smiled

I pecked Draco on the lips before stepping over her knocked out body. The Slytherins were too shocked to do anything

'That's my girl' I heard Draco mumble as I smiled walking out the library

I skipped back and I found Fred and George placing Dungbombs in Mr Filch's office.

I passed them winking before I heard explosions

'You wretched children!' I heard him shout

I chuckled and went back to the common room smiling.

'Hermione...' I called

'Evanora' she greeted

'I forgive you, I missed you my best friend' I smiled

Her eyes filled with tears as she put down her book, ran up to me and hugged me tightly

'Thank you so much! I'm sorry! I've never felt so alone. I just wanted to be loved!' She trembled

'It's okay, Hermione. I know Ron's got something for you' I smiled

'Oh shut up' she rolled her eyes drying her tears

'Best friends?' I asked

'Best friends' she smiled

It was nice for things to go back to normal. And in no time, Hermione was back on her feet. Everyone liking her again. Owls were next week. But who cares.


Hey I hoped you liked it. I liked it a lot and I'll see you in next chapter. Thank you for reading! <3


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