Chapter 9

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Lust and Demise

Chapter 9
Jimin was resting to his bed when he heard Yoongi calling his name from the living room.

"Hyung did you call me?" Jimin asked as soon as he enter the living room

"A new pastry shop had open few blocks away from here would you like to pay a visit?"

"Hyung, you know that you can always go back to Namjoon's shop, I know how much you love that place"

"Yeah Jimin I know that!" Yoongi said indignant and continue "I told you already countless times that I don't want you to stay home alone, now get your ass and go dress"

"Okay as you wish, you know I can't debate with you, I always end up losing so yeah!" Jimin said and went back to his room, Yoongi did the same and soon after they were both ready to go. When they arrived Yoongi said looking at the younger

"Jimin go find somewhere to sit while I will order our drinks"

"Yeah okay, you know what I want right?" Jimin asked with smile

"Of course I know!" Yoongi said and went to the line in front of the cashier, only him and another tall guy was waiting to order

"Well, I for sure know that butt!" Yoongi speak up his thoughts placing his thumb and index finger under his chin, the tall guy in front of him turn around and looked the shorter in surprise

"Hyung!" He shout out and continue "Where have you been three weeks now?"

"Hey Kook, what's up" Yoongi said putting his hand on his nape scratching it nervously, looking slightly behind him to Jimin's direction

"I am fine, what about you?" He asked and looked where Yoongi was looking before "Is someone special here?" Jungkook gasp and continue "Are you with a girl hyung?" he asked with a smirk, you could see Yoongi's facial muscles relaxing and said

"That's right, you got me!" he smiled nervously

"Can I meet her?" Jungkook asked excited like he was a kid in front of a candy shop looking at his favorite flavors

"Eh?" Yoongi was tense up but manage to come up with an excuse "No you can't! You see, it's our first official date and I don't want to give her wrong impression"

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked clueless

"She might think that I am taking things between us too fast by introducing her to one of my friends from the first date" he said nodding his head satisfied with his fake excuse

"Oh you are so smart hyung!" Jungkook said admiring his hyung and continue "Okay I won't meet her, can I at least see her from afar?" he asked excited again

"NO! You can't!" Yoongi shout out surprising the younger

"Okay hyung calm down, I won't but why I can't?" he asked again and Yoongi had started losing it, the younger was so persistent

"LOOK KOOK, you can't" he said trying to end his sentence but continue as soon as he found another excuse "You can't because she is too pretty and I am afraid that if you see her you will fall for her and steal her from me!" Yoongi finally said and looked at the younger with a fake glare

"Fine I won't... for now at least" Jungkook said and took his drink and went to the exit door, when Yoongi saw him leaving from the shop he let out a deep sigh of relief but was cut off soon after, when he heard Jimin's voice shouting his name

"Yoongi-hyung I forgot to tell you that I want a strawberry cake as well" Jimin said with bright smile skipping to his hyung direction, the latter closed his eyes frowning them and turning to the side too ashamed to look at Jungkook's figure, the youngest froze in place and turn slowly to Jimin and Yoongi's direction

"Jimin-hyung?" he asked whispering but it was enough for Jimin to notice the younger, they lock their eyes for 30 seconds and Jimin continue walking to Yoongi's direction trying to ignore the younger and play it like they have never met before, then Jungkook felt his blood boiling through his veins and went angrily to Jimin's direction and grab his wrist

"Hyung!" He shout out in front of Jimin's eyes and the latter looked away, then Jungkook tried to pull him out of the shop but Yoongi prevented him to do so, then Jungkook gave a death glare to the eldest and pull Jimin again, the pinked hair boy assure Yoongi that he will be okay and he let them go.

"And now what Hyung, you are acting like we have never met before?" Jungkook shout still holding Jimin's wrist, the latter frown from the strong grip on his wrist and said in low voice

"Jungkook, you are hurting me"

"You don't know what hurt means" Jungkook shot back "For more than three damn weeks I was waiting for you to step into the library and you never appeared"

"I am sorry" Jimin said defeated

"It was that big of mistake what we did that night?" Jungkook continue shouting

"Yes Jungkook it was!" Jimin shot back and Jungkook looked at him with hard eyes

"I can't believe that! How can you say that!"

"You can't understand Jungkook, you never did anyway!" Jimin said looking to his feet

"Help me understand then!" Jungkook said with his calm voice trying to convince the older to talk to him, he knew whatever they did it wasn't mistake, he could feel it

"I can't, I can't Jungkookie!" Jimin said almost in tears, then Jungkook hug him out of reflexes, he just felt like it was the right thing to do, Jimin return the hug and let out his tears, the younger felt the tears attaching to his shirt and immediately raise Jimin's head so he could look at his beautiful brown orbs

"Please hyung don't cry" Jungkook said and kissed him on his lips, the kiss was pure and soft, in the kiss Jungkook was stroking Jimin's cheek with his thumb, Jungkook felt Jimin's body relaxing in his embrace, he broke the kiss and looked at Jimin's red eyes out of tears

"Please hyung let me in, tell me why you were avoiding me, I promise I will understand" Jungkook said smiling at the older. 

Hello my beautiful souls!!!
How are you doing???
Here is another Chapter!!!
Hope you enjoy it!!!

I might update another one as well so stay tuned!!!


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