Chapter 10

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 Lust and Demise

Chapter 10

"Let's go for a walk first, shall we?" Jimin said breaking the hug and looking at Jungkook's eyes, and the latter gave him a small smile of assurance. Then Jimin start walking first, without waiting for the younger, he was deep in his thoughts trying to figure out a way to tell him their story. The younger start jogging until he was next to his quite Hyung, this silence was killing the younger, Jimin was too silence for his liking, he wanted to talk but the words just couldn't roll out of his tongue, after about thirty minutes they reach a beach, they took off their shoes and walk on the cool sand in bare feet, they went close to the sea and sat down looking at the calm sea, they could hear the small waves dying on the shore and the air floating around them.

"The sea is so calm today, not even summers the sea is that quite" Jungkook comment trying to start a conversation

"Yeah it's so calm and helps me putting my thoughts in order" Jimin said looking at the horizon with his warm smile, after that they stop talking and Jimin looked at the sun diving into the calm sea and Jungkook was looking at the older taking in all his beauty, the sun was stroking Jimin's features so beautifully, his flawless skin, his warm eyes, his small nose and lastly his plump lips, how he wish to kiss those lips one more time, he lean closer to the older and place his hand on Jimin's soft cheek and turn his head slowly trying to make the older to look at him, he needed some answers and silence wasn't going to answer any of them.

"Why you were avoiding me hyung?" Jungkook asked looking into Jimin's eyes,

"You have lost some weight Kook" Jimin said taking in Jungkook's form "You should start eating like before... my love" the pinked hair continue with sad voice, he knew that the younger had lost a lot o weight because of him.

"My love?" Jungkook asked a bit annoyed "If I am you love why you left hyung? Why you disappeared for almost a month?"

"I wanted to protect you Jungkookie, your life is in danger if you are close to me"

"Protect me from what Hyung?" Jungkook asked with calm voice

"From myself" Jimin said in small voice looking the younger deep in his eyes

"What are you talking about Jimin, I will never be in danger because of you"

"Jungkook?" Jimin said and after few seconds he continued "Do you believe in past lives?" he asked and turned his gaze at the horizon once again

"I never thought about it before" Jungkook answered quickly, thinking that the older was trying to change the topic of their conversation and continue "But how this is involved with what we were talking about, are you... maybe trying to change the conversation?" He asked suspicious

"It has to do Jungkook, so do you believe in past lives?"

"I don't know maybe" He answered unsure himself

"When you first saw me, did you feel that we have met before?" Jimin asked with calm voice turning his gaze back to the younger, the latter stop talking and thought about what Jimin just said and after few seconds a small smile took form in his lips and answered

"To be honest when I first saw you indeed I felt like I knew you way too much."

"If I tell you that we know each other since the beginning of time would you believe me?"

Jungkook didn't say anything, but in his eyes you could see that he was confused, he didn't know what to believe, if what the older said was even true and he was getting mad of his own feelings

"Our fates Jungkookie are connected" Jimin said after he understand that the younger wasn't going to say anything. Then a wave of rage took over Jungkook and said

"If you are saying that our fates are connected why are you running away?"

"I already told you that I am afraid that I might harm you or even kill you"

"I can't understand why you are afraid of that, I am sure that you can't even hard a fly, why would you hard me?" Jungkook asked trying to understand the older

"Because I have hard you many times before"
"What are you talking about I've known you for barely a couple months" Jungkook said losing his temper once again.

"As I said we know each other since this world was created, we have passed our previous lives together" Jimin said with a soft smile on his plumb lips and continue with hard tone on his voice

"And in every single one of them I have harm you, wrong, I have killed you in every single one of them, I don't want to anymore, I can't anymore" Jimin said tearing up.

"How is that even possible, hyung look at those tears" Jungkook said pointing at Jimin's tears that escaped from his beautiful brown orbs and continue with soft tone in his voice "You can't hard me, kill me or whatever, if you are shedding those tears for my sake, hyung" Jungkook said and let out a small chuckle

"It's not in my hands Kookie"

"What the hell are you talking about, if it's not in your hands then whose hands is?" Jungkook asked shouting

"In Lebito's" Jimin said lowering his eyes and looking at his small hands

"What the fuck is that lebito think?"Jungkook asked thinking that the older was making fun of him

"It's he, and he is the king of all the demons and the strongest of them all and my body is his receptacle" Jimin said looking at Jungkook's dark brown eyes

"That's bullshit, hyung you were gone for like three weeks, three fucking weeks and you are coming back with that lame story as an excuse, you could just be honest with me and tell me in my face that you don't want to see me anymore, it would be much better, for both of us" Jungkook said and left from the once peaceful beach leaving Jimin there drawing to his own dark thoughts that suffocating his brain.

After Jungkook left, Jimin brought his legs close to his face and hug himself looking at the sea that had just started to becoming wild just like Jimin's thoughts, he was relieved that Jungkook was gone now and wasn't in any sort of danger but why his heart was so heavy?

Hello my beautiful souls!!!
here is another chapter as I promised!
I hope this chapter clears some of your questions!!!



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