Chapter 18

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Lust and Demise

Chapter 18

Screams and cries were heard all over the apartment, the door opened quickly
and Yoongi run to Jimin's room, where all the hustle was.

"Jungkook, Jungkook wake up please buddy, don't go now!" Yoongi shout at Jungkook's
sweating body

"No! Please no more!" Jungkook shout out opening his eyes, he still was in his dream;
his body was on fire literally

"Please my love, please come back to me!" Jungkook still burble to his sleep with his eyes still open,
he was now in sleep paralysis.

"Jungkook, wake up!" Yoongi said while slapping Jungkook, with that Jungkook woke up
completely, but no Jimin, he was still in deep sleep.

"Please Jungkook gather yourself together, here take this!"

"What is that Hyung?"

"Open it and you will understand" the older command and the younger do as told.
When he opened the box he saw inside the same blade, he had seen in his dream
with a small difference, on the blade it was carved a sentence in Latin words
'Levem Geminae Flamma' he widen his eyes looking at Yoongi with tears and
fear in his eyes, he knew that the last time it didn't work out, and the elder said
already knowing Jungkook's thoughts

"I promise Kook it will work this time! Please hurry, before Lebido leave Jimin's body!"
Jungkook took in his hands the blade carefully, he holds it with both of his hands,
and he went slowly on top of Jimin's still unconscious body.

"I am sorry my love, please don't break up with me after this!" he said and in one
quick move he bring the blade close to Jimin's body ready to stub him, but only few
inches before the blade come in contact with the unconscious boy, Jimin opened his
red eyes and hold the blade with his bare hands, a maniac laugh was heard throughout
the apartment

"Oh my little princess, still with the same trick, oh dear, I don't know if you remember
but it didn't work last time! You never learn aren't you?" Lebido said in his deep voice

"If you are so sure that it is not going to work why pother stopping me" Jungkook
said letting all his body weight on top of his hands that was holding the blade
as a result the blade piercing Jimin's body slowly. The blade as soon as came in
contact with Lebido's vessel start burning up, with Jungkook's hands still on it,
ew seconds after the blade turn into a black smoke and disappeared burning
Jimin's wound in the process leaving a small scar behind and Lebido start
screaming like a siren in pain, he was feeling his body like someone was putting it
on fire he push away Jungkook as a result the younger dropping down to the floor,
he was too weak to do anything else, the fever had took all his energy. His eyes were
closing slowly, the last thing he could see and hear was Yoongi saying something
he couldn't hear, and the Lebido screaming for dear life. After that everything went black

"What is going on, this cannot be happening, how?" Lebido was screaming to Yoongi's face

"It took us few centuries, but we finally find the one blade that can kill you, you Vermin"
Yoongi said with a smile, after that Lebido disappeared. The later open and close his
eyes rapidly; starting to getting back his consciousness, his eyes turn back to their
normal honey brown color and his hair back to the pink one.

"No ,no not again, I killed my love" Jimin said grabbing Yoongi's collar with trembling
hands and tears running down his beautiful orbs "I saw it hyung I torture him, I burn
his body, there was no place I hadn't burn with this damn iron hyung, I even ra...rape
him hyung" he said dropping to his knees letting Yoongi's collar and grabbing his hair

"Jimin please calm down he is fine!" Yoongi said already close to Jungkook's body checking
his pulses. Jimin rise his head from his balms with his eyes wide open

"Are you serious hyung, or you are joking, no it can't be, I saw him in the dream he was dying,
I could see his eyes losing the life inside them. No hyung he is dead, I know it!"

"Check for yourself Jimin, he is okay, his pulses are weak but he is still alive!" Yoongi said
typing on the phone the number for an ambulance, he stand up and left the room. Jimin
went closer to Jungkook's body and put his trembling hands on the youngest wrist trying
to catch his pulses, the moment he felt the first one, he start crying pulling Jungkook in
his arms

"Please my love, please I'm so sorry, please wake up!"

"Hyung... I am fine hyung" Jungkook said opening his eyes slightly, looking at Jimin's
face and fell into unconscious once again. The later let a small whimper out and hug
Jungkook tighter

"Thank god! Thank you!" Soon after the ambulance arrived and took Jungkook to the hospital.

Hello Everyone!
I hope all of you are fine!!!
Here is another chapter
Two more to go!!!
I hope you had fun reading it,
Please let me know through comments

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