Chapter 17

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Lust and Demise

Chapter 17

Still in Yoongi's memory

"Not even a year after Jungkook was saved by Lebido the later took over Jimin's body and killed Jungkook"

"But, Lebido saved Jungkook's life papa why did he do that?" Yoongi asked with wide eyes

"Well my dear boy, he is Demon, and every Demon do whatever they please and killing Humans is one of those things, they just love doing it so as playing with their lives as well, you see they are immortal creatures and the only thing they have as entertainment is us Humans"

"I see, but it's really unfair, Jiminie sell his soul for absolute nothing, he didn't gain a thing" Yoongi said getting mad.

"Well he actually gain few things such as more beautiful memories with the man he loved, but yeah it is really unfair"

"So Grandpa, my Jiminie, is the same as the Jiminie in this story you are telling me?"

"Yes exactly, he is an old and curse soul in a young body, their soul doesn't even have time to rest, we know from our ancestors that a soul need at least 70 to 100 years to rest before they return back to earth, but their soul, doesn't rest for even a decade every single one of their reincarnations, that's why Jiminie has almost all his memories"

"So that means papa that this Jungkook guy, has his memories as well?"

"Not as strong as Jimin's, he will remember them but on his own time! Lebido will make sure of it unfortunately. On their second life together they promised to each other infinite love, and Jimin promise to remember him always and forever, but not Jungkook! And here is boy how we are coming to the page as family"

In the Past

It was one cold night in Jimin and Jungkook's Wooden Cabin, they were sitting in front of their fireplace. Jimin was sitting sideways on Jungkook's lap; he was trying to feel the warmth of his body, he could feel Lebido taking over his body day by day, he wasn't able to restrain him for very long.

"My love, I can't keep him for long, I can feel that my power over him getting weaker as the days pass"

"I know, I know, but we won't let him play his game!"

"What do you mean?" Jimin said rising his body slightly

"I have heard that there is a shaman who is traveling from village to village and now he is close to our village, we can go to him and ask for his help"

"The last time I trusted a shaman I ended up selling my soul to the Vermin"

"That's true but we have to try, if we sit here we will only ending up dead, so what we have to lose?" Jungkook said with little hope left

"You are right my love, we should pay a visit, there is nothing to lose!"

They both agree and the next day they took their way to this shaman, it was 2 days and one night away from them.

"Ji...Jimin, Jung...kook? Is that you?" The old man that was inside asked almost in tears

"You know our names?" Jungkook said shocked

"Of course I know your names My dear friends" the man said going toward them an attempt to hug them both

"Oh oh, watch your step old man!" Jimin said rudely taking one step back and away of the old shaman

"What you thing you are doing, do you know me from yesterday?" Jimin continue

"Well my friend I know you more than that!'

"What do you mean old man?" it was Jungkook's time to talk

"I am the one that help you 35 years ago!" the shaman said looking down, too ashamed to look at them

"You help us out? I ended up selling my soul to Lebido to save Jungkook to just lose him only a year after?" Jimin said crying and shouting to the old man "I told you it was a bad idea to trust another shaman, which is the one to blame from the first place" Jimin continue looking at Jungkook.

"Please my love we can't blame him for trying to help us out, I get that you want to blame somebody for the choices of the past, but if we have to blame someone that's should be me" Jungkook said trying to calm down Jimin

"No, no my love, I should blame myself for all this mess, I am sorry Yoongi!" Jimin said after he came to his right mind once again

"You remember my name?" Yoongi asked shocked

"Well my dear old, literally, friend I remember more than what you might think" Jimin said showing a soft smile to the older, and got closer to hug him. Yoongi hug him back with all the power he could master

"I miss you buddy!" Yoongi said and looked at Jungkook as well trying to show him that he missed both of them

"He doesn't remember a thing isn't he?" Yoongi asked with a smile

"He was always lucking in memory!" Jimin said and they both laughed

"I am right here, you know!"

"I am sorry Kook but you really have poor memory!" Jimin continue teasing the youngest

"Well my dear friend you might not remember me but I do remember you! My name is Min Yoongi, I am a shaman and I am here to help you!"

"What do you mean Yoongi?" Jimin asked curious

"As long as you two were gone, I tried to find a way to break the deal you have done with the Lebido!"

"Is that even possible?" Jungkook asked

"With the proper preparation we can do it!"

"What do you mean?" it was Jimin's turn to ask

"I read that we can break a deal if you kill the demon with a blade made for only this purpose!"

"How we can even kill him hyung? What are we going to do, go to the dead world hit the door to his house and bam kill him?" Jungkook said jokingly

"Well not exactly that, but something close to it!"

"Well hyung, either went completely mad all these years I left you alone or you have something big and probably not something good in your head"

"First of all, you two have to go to an active volcano and take a rock that is born from the lava, bring it back and make a blade out of it, after that, when Jimin is close to lose every control over his body and will, you Jungkook has to stab Jimin on the exact moment Lebido coming to the surface"

"What the fuck you are saying crazy old man! If I stub Jimin he will die too!" Jungkook said shouting

"I know, but we might have the time to save him after Lebido leaves his body"

"No, No I cannot except it, it's way too dangerous, I am not risking it!" Jungkook said strong to his choice

"You Jimin, why you are silent?" Yoongi asked Jimin, the later didn't say anything for about 5 minutes, he took a deep breath and said

"We are doing it!"

"No, we are not!"

"Yes my love we are, there is nothing else we can actually do, and I prefer to die by your hands than killing you one more time!" Jimin said taking in his hug Jungkook and kissing his forehead.

"No my love, I cannot do that to you. And there is no proof that this will work!"

"He is right but we have to try Jungkook, I promise you I will do whatever it takes to save him after Lebido leaves! Even if it takes years or even lives to accomplish my promise" Yoongi said

"You promise Hyung? You promise that you will save him whatever it takes?"

"Yes Kook! Is the least I can do to redeem myself!"

The rest is History!
(Chapter 11)

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