Chapter 13

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Lust and Demise

Chapter 13

"I remembered, I remembered everything!" Jungkook said and look at Jimin's eyes with a warm smile

"How? When?" was all Jimin could form, he took Jungkook's hand and lead him to the living room and he sat him down on the sofa and run to the kitchen to bring another class for the wine, he pour some in the glass and place it on Jungkook's hand

"Are we alone? Where is Yoongi hyung?"

"He is out of town, he left around 9 from here and went to visit his grandfather!"

"Oh I see!" Jungkook said and played with his hands

"So, how you remembered us?"

"By dreams, I was watching dreams, no... nightmares!"

"What kind of dreams? And when was the first time you saw one"

"Well before you even arrived at Busan... actually now that I am thinking about it, the same day you arrived I saw the first dream, it was the worst, after that and all the days that followed for the last month, I was waking up at 3 or even 2 am with terrible dreams, and in all of my dreams I was running, getting killed or at least I could feel that I was about to die, I couldn't explain why until today, I saw us, it was the first time I saw something so clearly, at first you were dying, then you changed form..."

"That was Lebito!" Jimin cut the younger

"That explains a lot! So after that you, no he... or it? I don't know what verb I should use, but anyway let's call it, he"

"He is actually 'he'!" Jimin said and smiled

"Whatever! Where was I, ah right to the part he was about to stub me, well he did after he took out of your body the blade!"

"Wait what blade?" Jimin asked shocked

"I don't know, just a blade!"

"I don't remember something like that happening before, but anyway, it's been a lot of centuries please continue!"

"Then you turn back into yourself with fluffy brown hair, it suits you by the way!"

"Well because it's my actual natural hair color but that is not the point!"

"Right, after you turn into yourself again you took me into your arms and hug me tightly, then we started crying and we were saying something like vows and promises! Then both died at the same time!" Jungkook finished his story, the older was shocked he couldn't remember that lifetime, as much as he tried to recall it, nothing all he could see was black from that life.

"May I have a hug now hyung? It was so warm at your arms even if we were dying!" Jungkook pleaded the older and the later smiled and took him in his arms, the younger wanted to cry for some reason but he hold it, he just place his head on Jimin's chest and heard his heart beat, it was rapid, like his!

"Kook, I think that, this was our second life together, I can't remember it though, I can remember the first one where I sold my soul to Lebito. But this life I cannot recall, it's like I am hearing it for the first time, I can actually remember every single one of our lives together, except this one!"

"Wait, what you mean by sold your soul to Lebito!" Jungkook asked anxious and left from Jimin's hug to look at his eyes

"I sold it to him, but I am not regretting it! I will never do!" Jimin said sure for his choices

"Why would you do something as stupid as that?"

"I did it for you, you were dying and I could do nothing to help you, the only choice I had was that!" Jimin said looking at the floor

"Why would you do that for me? "

"Because I loved you and still do! You were dying in front of my eyes and I couldn't understand why, I wasn't a doctor nor that anyone at that time was but that's not the point!"

"But how all these has to do with me, no offence and please don't take me wrong, but why your contract with him affecting my life too?"

"He is demon after all, after a year I sold my soul to him he took over my body and killed you, he indeed saved your life but never said when your time will come or that you will live until old age"

"What was the contract about?"

"In short, that I will be his vessel for eternity and I will kill my lovers and ending up all alone to deal with my guilt but I never imagined to be you for all the lives I have lived so far."

"You should have let me die instead; I would prefer it this way, than what you had to deal with all these centuries, my love!" Jungkook said sweetly and kissed Jimin's soft lips, the older hug him and deepened the kiss

"I know that technically I know you for bareilly a month but I will say it anyway, I love you Jungkook-ssi"

"Funny enough, I love you too Jimin-ssi" and continue kissing each other, their kisses were soft, pure and innocent, without lust, only love.

Hello my beautiful souls
How are you feeling everybody?
I am sorry for the small update
I will try to update the next chapter
soetime this week!


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