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Win's POV
"Marry me, Win."

I thought I miss heard him but once I looked into his eyes, he was serious. I chuckled as I couldn't help my laughter on how insanely retarded he sounds.

"The cheater wants a bride? Well sorry Mr. Vachirawit, I won't marry you." I stated to him as I turned on my heel.

"You better reconsider your decision. I...am the only one that can save your family's business. I can gladly give you the 20 million today before any impact happens to your hotel." Bright said and I turned back and looked at him.

"You want to trap me? After you cheated on me and humiliated me at that restaurant! You don't deserve to marry me or have the opportunity have me in anyway." I reminded him.

"It's just marriage Win. You won't have nothing to loose." He says and I scoff.

"Nothing to loose? I have my pride too Bright." I tell him

"You have your pride? And yet you're standing here begging for money so I can save your family's business." Bright smirks.

"I thought you would take responsibility for what you did to me five years ago but you still continue to fool me into your traps. I know it's been five years and I should forget about it, but you should know I hold grudges for a lifetime." I reminded him.

Bright finally stands up from the lonely seat he was in from his spacious office. He never lost eye contact with me, but he finally looked away when he decided to look into the window.

"So, you won't marry me because you still hate me?" Bright just asked.

"Yes." I stated and Bright bobs his head.

"Then I'm sorry Win, I won't help your family's hotel. Just like the hundreds of failed businesses I've seen, yours will also fail. 20 million is a lot of money to pay off, I hope you won't struggle too much." He said as I ball up my fist.

I bobbed my head this time as I see that the only person that could of helped me refuse. Without the investment money from Suphakorn, we are done for.

"I'm finally able to realize why your family owns half of Bangkok. You people enjoy watching everyone fail and beg to come to you. So you try to manipulate and trap us into believing that you guys are our only hope. That's how you are able to win it all." I said to him.

"There is no hope in the business world. People who rely on hope, fails in the end-" Bright finally turns around and looks at me. "and you Mr. Metawin will fail. You've already wasted enough of my time. I'm a very busy man." Bright walked back to his chair as he puts back on his glasses.

I ball up my fist even tighter as I already felt the urgency to punch him across the face but I have to restrain myself. I don't want to end up on the news as the guy what punch the richest guy in Bangkok. I turn on my heel and began to walk away.

"Oh, my condition of you marrying me still opens." He said lastly as I scoff and walked out completely.

I saw Mrs. London coming back with a tray but I storm pass her, clearly upset of the results. Bright refuses to help and he won't help my family because I don't want to marry him.

I saw Nani still on his bike and I thought he left like I told him but no he still stayed. I hopped on behind him as I already adjust my helmet.

"Let's go. This place is full of liars and cheaters." I said as I stare down at the guards.

Anyone who works for Bright are obviously scum.

I don't know what the hell I'm going to do now. Bright was my only chance of saving my family's company. I don't know how long the hotel could last as soon as Mr. Suphakorn takes out his investment.

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