𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙊𝙣𝙚

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Bright's POV
I finshed all my work and I spent the entire day with my father but we landed on some difficulties but it's nothing that we can't fix after the wedding he said. My mom has already have everything planned for tomorrow and I am decided to give out this invitations to my close friend that helped me.

"Bright, why are you here so late?" Tay asked me as I practically barge in and sat on his couch.

"I just finished all my work and I wanted to see you." I admit to him.

"I'm starting to regret giving you a spare key to my house." He said as he sat next to me. I placed my hand on his shoulder as I smile at him.

"I'm getting married tomorrow and I wanted to invite you." I said passing him the envelope. Tay slowly took it out of my hand.

"You got back together?" Tay asked, looking excited and I nodded. "That's great. I'm really happy for you and I will definitely be at your wedding tomorrow." He said and that made me happy.

"I'm glad you're coming." I told him.

"So, I actually have something to confess." Tay started to say.

"What is it?"

"I'm actually going back to the detective force. I really miss finding clues and discovering things. I realized I love it more than ever." Tay admitted and I am incredibly happy for him. I pat his shoulder as I smile at him.

My phone suddenly rang as I saw a unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"We need to talk. I'm sure you know who this is." A male familiar voice spoke.

"I have an idea. What do you want?" I asked him.

"Just come meet me. I'll send you the address." He said and the phone hang up.

"Sorry stay but I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." I told him and Tay nodded as I left. I got the address and hop into the car and told the driver to location.

Do I know what I am getting myself into?


The address that my driver followed took me to a dark alleyway in the city. I was a little hesitant but I gave my fears and still went through it. I had Mason stay on guard and keep by me close by just incase. As I approached the alleyway, Nani was standing there waiting for me.

I knew it was him but I don't know why he called me.

"What do you want?" I went straight to the point but a hard right hit me across the face. I grunted in pain as I look up at Nani with confusion. "What was that for?" I questioned him.

"That was for hurting Win five years ago." He stated and I stood back up angrily.

"Fine, I deserve that but I hope you didn't drag me out here for a fight." I said to his face.

"I don't have any money to afford the damage I would have done to you but I will warn you though. If you ever hurt Win again, I swear I will do more than to punch you." Nani stated and for some reason it made me smirk.

"I guess you heard that me and Win are getting married tomorrow. For real this time and you're trying to talk me out of it." I said and I assume that's what Nani wants to talk to me about.

"It doesn't matter if I try to talk you out of it. I just want you to promise me you will never hurt Win again." Nani said and I stop smirking as I look at him seriously.

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