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Bright's POV
Win dragged me into our room as he slam the door behind me. I already know he is furious and I don't want to argue with him.

"Did you know she was coming to stay?" Win asked me right off the bat.

"No, of course not. I'm just as surprised as you." I admit to him.

"Is this why you brought me home? To have your little ex fiancé flaunt around while she does every possible way to spilt us up?" Win questioned me. I sighed and took a seat on the end of the bed.

"Or maybe to test our marriage. Whatever happens we need to act like we are the perfect married couple." I told Win.

"Married couple?" Win said as he walked towards me. "How can we be a married couple if I don't trust you?" He asked me.

"How can I trust you when you spend the night with that......guy?" I questioned him. I stood up from the bed and got closer to Win's face. "I know he touched you and I don't like when people touch what's mine." I stated to him.

Win scoffed and turned around but I grabbed him by the arm and turned him around and kissed him roughly. Win was trying to catch his breath by trying to pull me away but I held tighter. I felt him hitting my lip, causing me to break our kiss.

"I'm sleeping in another room." Is all Win said but I stopped him as I pulled him against the wall.

I kissed and sucked on his neck roughly. A hushed moaned was trying to escape his lips as he held it. I ripped his suit off roughly, tearing it's expensive fabric off. Win's bear chest was exposed and I licked it slowly until I reached to his neck and face.

My hands were roaming wildly on his body until I reached his ass and I kissed it and spanked it twice.

"Mine." I mumbled in his ears as I sucked on his neck again.

"Bright." I heard Win moan out as I felt his finger going through my hair.

I grind myself against him as we began to kiss passionately on the wall together. I was having enough and I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted him.

I always wanted Win.

As we still kissed, I guided Win to the bed as I practically slam him down. I forcefully removed my tie off and tossed it onto the ground. Remove my pants and underwear in the process. Win was staring at me naked, he couldn't take his eyes off my shaft. I climb on top of him as I grabbed and hold both his hands above his head.

Sucking his neck again, Win moans louder and louder as I slowly started to grind myself upon him. Feeling his hard bulge against mind as I whisper how sexy he looks underneath me.

I sat up for a moment to take off his pants completely. I grabbed both his legs just to demonstrate how flexible he is. Win was caught by surprised as my eyes never removed from his sight as I crotch down to his pucker hole.

I swirled my tongue as I tasted him. His stern was cold but my tongue warmed it up as I started to Pierce my tongue deeper into his ass.

"Don't stop." Was mutter from Win's mouth so I did as he told me to do and tongue fucked him faster while I kept his legs up with my hands.

I stood up as I centered myself at his entrance. I pushed in slowly and deep as I felt the sensation feeling crawl down my back. I stayed there as my cock was deep as I leaned in to kiss Win on the temple of his lips.

I looked down to see my hard cock showing visibly on Win's stomach. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were rolling at the back at his head as I stimulated him. I sort of smiled like a sadist as I enjoyed Win having an orgasm.

I moved my hips faster as I started to fuck him. Leaning forward as I stare deep into Win's eyes. He was all I ever wanted and he was mine.

I trailed my lips as I left the faintest of hickeys all over chest and specifically around his nipples. Win's moan was loud as he practically screamed my name.

"Remember that you are mine. I'll never let another man have you." I said in his ear.

"I'm all yours." I heard Win say and that made me smile.

"Turn on your ass." I instructed him and Win didn't waste time as I said it.

Win arched his back just a little while I admire the view. That beautiful little ass just looks so better when I'm inside it. I can't get enough of how perfect Win is for me.

I smacked his ass as it echoed through the room. Win groaned and I can tell he is feeling the sting. I smirked as I smack it again and practically dragged Win's hips closer. I enjoyed that pink tinted that I created on his left ass cheek.

"Bright F-" I cut Win off as I started to pound my cock into his ass, not giving him a chance to finish his sentence as I plunged myself harder and faster into him.

I felt Win's ass tighten as I heard a whimper from Win as his white cum fell into our bed sheets between his thighs.

I was feeling the need to cum too and just when I was slowly down my pace, I felt Win's grabbing my hand.

"Please don't stop. I wanna feel your cum inside me." He said so I kept going. My eyes were closing tightly as I groaned, exploding my load like Win had told me to do.

I was exhausted as I leaned down and spread kisses all over Win's back as I hugged him from behind.

"Release me Bright, I'm going to shower before we go to bed." Win stated but I refuse to let go.

"Stay in bed with me tonight. We will shower in the morning together." I told him.

"But I-"

"It's not up for discussion."

"Bastard." I heard Win mutter but all I did was smirk as his comment.

A/N: Smut in the shower in the next chapter 👀😏

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