𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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Win's POV
I haven't heard from Bright all day and even though I'm worried about him, I need to check on my dad first at the hospital. I spent the entire afternoon with Dew and Prim and they were so kind to drop me off at the hospital so I could visit my dad tonight.

Whatever happens tonight, I'll see Bright once I'm home and hopefully he will tell me the truth and way he's been dodging my calls.

I arrived at my dads hospital room as I saw him and my mom laughing. My dad was eating a bowl of soup and I was really happy to see that he is at least looking okay.

"Oh, Win you're finally here." My dad said as he passes my mom the soup bowl.

"Hey dad, how are you feeling?" I asked him.

"Much better. The doctor says I'm in great shape and I should be getting discharged next week." He said and I was glad.

"I'm glad." I smiled at the news he told me.

"Where's Bright? I thought you two would come here together." My mother asked.

"He had a very important meeting. He wanted to come but it was urgent." I told them and they nodded and understand.

"Our son in law is such a hardworking man. He never takes a day off." My dad says and he is right about that. Bright is always working.

I just wish he called me today.

"Oh once I'm discharged, tell Bright to come over for dinner so we can eat as a family." My dad told me and I nodded.

"I will make sure to tell him." I admitted

I heard my phone ringing and I took it out of my pocket as quickly as possible. Hoping that it was Bright finally but it wasn't. It was Mason of all people.

"Excuse me mom and dad while I take this." I told them as I walked out of my father's room. "Hello, Mason?" I spoke as I answered the phone call.

"Mr. Win, I'm sorry to bother you but I'm just outside Mr. Tay Tawan's house and Bright came to me in a very exhausted and horrible situation. He looks sick and he refused to come home and he said he needed to go to Tay for some reason." Mason informed me and told me everything.

"Oh okay, thanks for telling me. I'll be home really soon but I'm at the hospital right now checking on my dad." I told Mason.

"Right of course sir. I will make sure Bright comes home safely after his meeting with Mr. Tay Tawan." Mason said and the phone call ended like that.

Is Bright okay? And what exactly happened to him?

Bright's POV
I practically stumbled inside of Tay's huge mansion as I fell onto his couch. The drug is still active and I don't feel well but I had to come to Tay because I need to know the update on Win's father shooter.

"Geez Bright, what happened to you?" Tay came in the living room and saw me a mess.

"I was drugged by Tu and her father." I admitted to him.

"Drugged? By Tu and her father? There is no way." He said not believing it. I don't blame him because I have a hard time believing it too.

"It's hard to explain but they drugged and Mr. Tontawan wanted me to stay with his daughter." I told him.

"Did you at least call the police?" Tay asked.

"How? With what evidence? Besides, I can't just walk in the police department and tell them that the man that practically owns Thailand drugged me and his crazy daughter molested me without any evidence. Come on Tay, you use to work with the police." I told him.

"You got a point but you can't let them get away with it." Tay said.

"That's why I need you to help me. You're the best at this." I admit to him.

"Hey, you can't just walk in my house and wanted me to help you on another case. I'm not even a detective anymore." Tay stated to me. "But.....considering you've been my friend for years and I hate that Tu put you through all this, I'll still help you." Tay finally said and I felt good about it.

Tay grabbed a glass from his stash of alcohols just displayed on his living room table. He sat beside me and pulled out a file and tossed it on my lap. I sat up and tried to regain myself properly, despite still feeling drugged.

I looked through the photos and witnesses statements and found out that the person who shot Mr. Opas-iamkajorn was a former hotel company I use to work with but I took out my shares and it was Mr. Suphakorn. Who also took his shares out of Win's dad company a few months ago.

He took his shares because he didn't want his hotel to go bankrupt but it didn't matter because I saved Win's hotel company.

"Tay are you sure?" I looked at him and asked him.

"I'm 100%" he said and I think about it and look through everything again.

Win's POV
I returned to Bright's home and still haven't seen him return yet. Then again, Mason said he would let me know about Bright's update and I'm way too worried now.

I took off my jacket and toss it on the bed and I reach for my phone in my pocket to call Mason. But I heard the door squeak open and saw Bright coming in almost limping.

"You're finally home. Why haven't you call me?" I questioned him as I walk towards him.

"I've been busy all day. Let's talk later." He said as he walks pass me.

"Wait hold on, what's on your neck?" I said as I saw a huge purple mark on his neck. Bright instantly covered it with his palm.

"It's a bite from a bug. Not a big deal." Bright said to me.

"You think I'm stupid? I know a damn bug didn't give you that. It's clearly a hickey Bright now who gave it to you!" I sort of yelled at him.

"Calm down first." Bright tells me.

"Wait, I don't even know why I'm asking who did this. It was clearly Tu." I said as I already knew who fucking gave it to him. I grab my jacket from bed.

It's time I face Tu and tell her to leave Bright alone. I've avoided this but it's time I put my foot down.

"Where are you going? Win?" Bright questioned me as I agree him but right when I was about to open the door, I received a message directly from Tu herself.

Tu: Thanks for keeping Brights bed warm while I was gone.

A video was attached to it as I saw Tu sitting on Bright lap kissing him all over his body and he is moaning as he kissed her back. I'm so angry but I couldn't help holding back a tear drop from my eyes.

The man I love basically betrayed me again but this time it hurts much worse seeing this video.

"W-Win?" I felt Bright's hand touching my shoulder. I turn around and pushed him back.

"Don't ever touch me again! I want out of this marriage. I'm done!" I screamed as I roughly removed the ring from my finger and tossed the metal hard onto the ground as I felt immediately out of Bright's room.

I can't compete with her. I'm done playing this war game for love.

A/N: Happy Labor Day guys! Even though this chapter was not really a happy one. 😕

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