𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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Win's POV
My heart aches just having to see Bright with a fake smile on the TV. Tu and Bright engagement is trending like crazy and it's the talk of the town. It's hard for me because everyone thinks Bright left me to be with Tu or people say I cheated on Bright with Zee.

All I know is it's torture for the both of us and I yearn to be with him.

"Xiao Win? You okay bud?" Zee placed a hand on my shoulder. I'm in a SUV right now waiting for Zee's spy to meet us. I don't even know his name or how he looks like. Zee said it's confidential and he doesn't want just anyone knowing who he is.

A knock on the window jump scared me as Zee rolled down the window. I looked over to see the face but all I saw was a black jacket. Zee started to walk in Chinese and I couldn't understand what he was saying anymore.

Moments later the door opened and the guy finally revealed himself, taking off his shades and dropping his hood down from his head. He had a soft and innocent eye and he looks much younger. I thought it was a child at first but I try not to judge.

"I have everything that you need. Pictures, text messages, and video evidence. There is nothing that I can't find." He said with confidence as he smiles.

Zee smiled back but I was just shocked and confused.

"You've done well Saint, I'll send you your pay after everything is disclosed." Zee said and the guy nodded his head.

"I'll be in Thailand for a few days and then I'm going back to China."

"So soon? I thought we could have some fun." Zee said and his voice sounded seductively. I swear he is the second mostly horny person I know.

"Ahem, are you sure this is everything? I want to be able to stop my husband from getting married to that psycho bitch next week." I asked Saint, who now shows his attention to me.

"Of course. " He said and I nodded.

"P'Zee, I must leave. I have a client later." Saint announced and he puts back on his shades and hold back on as he leaves Zee's SUV.

Zee takes out his bag and grabs his computer and started to insert the flash drive. I looked very instinctively and saw pictures and text messages that I never thought I would see. Saint hacked Tu's father phone and their conversation with Mr. Suphakorn and that the entire set up to shoot my father was Mr.Tontawan's idea.

My fist boiled in anger as I continued to read more. There so many evidence that claimed that they targeted me from the beginning. The Tontawan family forced Mr. Suphakorn to take of his shares and made us almost go bankrupt.

They wanted my families company to fall from the very beginning. Tu had it out for me and I know she did this  just to keep me away from Bright. Zee closed his laptop, making me not read the rest of the evidence.

"That's enough reading. We have more than enough to expose them. I know this makes you upset but it's all over now. Tu and her family will get what's coming to them and you and Bright can finally be together. Saint is a pro." Zee placed his hand on my shoulder.

Bright's POV
I was done with my shower until and news about Mr. Suphakorn's court date is tomorrow. I've ignored Win's parents calls on purpose and I know they want to discuss what happened between me and Win. I rejected there invitation multiple times.

I just don't have the heart to tell them what happened. I can't even look them in the eyes.

My phone rang, seeing Tu's caller ID pop up blocking my screen. I rolled my eyes and answered it.

"Baby, are you busy?" She said and it just grosses me out hearing her say that.

"I'm going to bed." I told her.

"This early? But I'm on my way to your place. Let's have dinner before the engagement party tomorrow." Tu suggested and I'm really not in the mood for this.

"And what if I refuse?" I asked her.

"Hmm, then I'll really do something to Win's company to make it go bankrupt this time. The choice is yours." She said as I ball up my fist.

"I'll.....get ready." I said abruptly.

"Can't wait." Tu said as she gave kissing noises to the phone as she hangs up.

Tu dragged me out of my house to take me to a restaurant that brought everything back to me. The same restaurant that Win planned out anniversary five years ago and the day that I broke his heart. Tu made sure she reserved and we sat at the same table when it happened. Not to mention the same food we had as well.

Everything on this very moment gave me nostalgia and a painful memory that I try not to remember.

"Doesn't it feel like old times? How you took me to this very restaurant? It was the best day of my life." She said to me.

I saw a glass of wine as I drank a big gulp of it. Trying to hold back my anger.

"It really do feel like it was yesterday. Seeing Win cry and leaving with a broken heart. Kinda how he is probably having a broken heart right now." Tu chuckles as she couldn't contain herself.

"Enough about Win." I told her as I don't feel too please of her talking about him like that.

"Fine, let's talk about what we will do after we get married. I was thinking.....what our first child's name should be." Tu said as she stares at me. I look at her shocked as she mentions kids.

"Don't even dream of it. Kids is not in the plan." I told her seriously.

"What if I told you that I am already pregnant?" She leaned in as she smirks at me.

"I'd say you're bluffing." I stare down at her.

She chuckles as she leans back.

"You're right. I'm not pregnant." She said as she picks up her glass of wine in her hand. "Yet." She said lastly before she took a sip. "Let's get serious. My dad wants your company to merge after the wedding. My father has everything situated and we are just waiting for your fathers approval on it." Tu explained as she told me.

"If everything is finalized, then why are you telling me?" I questioned her.

"Because we will be family and your dad is hesitant. Try to convince him." She tells me as I scoff.

I leaned in closer to her.

"I might be under your control of manipulation but I won't manipulate my father. He will make his own choices for his company." I stated to her as I got up from our table and began to walk away.

Tu called my name a bunch of times as Ignore and stepped inside the limo that was waiting for me.

As I peep through the window, I saw Tu coming out of the restaurant but Mason blocked her. I rolled down the window to hear the conversation.

"This has nothing to do with you." Tu said as she tried to push Mason out of the way but his large size, told her otherwise.

"I'm sorry Ms. Tontawan but Bright wishes to drive home alone. He wanted me to let you know that he will see you at the engagement party tomorrow. Goodnight." He said to as he step inside the limo.

I watched Tu angry face as I left her at the restaurant alone. In my mind, I wish I did leave her at the restaurant just like this five years ago but I know I can't change what happened in the past.

I rolled up my window and turned at Mason.

"Nice work Mason." I praised him for what he said.

A/N: It's no secret that Mason is my favorite character in this book 🥰 I wish I could marry him lol 😂

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