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Win's POV
Today was the Business Banquet that every company in Bangkok has been talking about. Only big and successful businesses can attend this year of course. Before, I thought my family wasn't gonna be invited, but Bright saved my dad's hotel and everything worked out quite well.

I'm in the limo with Bright and his most trusted guard, Mason.

"Give me your hand." Bright commanded.

"Why?" I hesitated.

"Just give me." He repeats. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I give him my left hand.

Bright grabbed it as I felt a cold metal sliding through my ring finger. I flinched my hand away as I see the shiny gold ring on my finger.

"What is this?" I questioned him.

"To let everyone know you are mine. It's appropriate for you to wear your marriage ring." He said.

"Mr. Vachirawit, we've only been married for a few weeks. There is no need to show off our relationship status. Especially at a very important banquet." I tell him.

"This is the perfect time to show off our relationship." He just says. I give up on talking or continuing this conversation with him.

Bright annoys me and he knows it. That's why he is smirking and ignoring my nasty gaze at him.

"Mr. Vachirawit sir, we have arrived." The limo driver announced.

"Excellent. Mason." Bright said and Mason stepped out of the car first. He opened the door wider to let me and Bright out.

As soon as I stepped out, a huge swarm of flashing cameras was towards us. The flash was hurting my eyes.

"Let's hurry in." I hear Bright whispering in my ear. He grabbed my hand and blocked my eyes from the flashing cameras.

I was finally safe from those annoying cameras. I hate paparazzi.

"Thank you." I said to Bright.

"No worries. I don't want my cute husband going blind." Bright said and I roll my eyes. I know he is joking to lighten up the mood. "Don't be nervous, I have attend many of these things before." Bright told me and I nodded.

I followed him inside as I already saw the glam. This entire banquet is glorious. From its decor, to its food, to the choose of scenery. It was perfect. A perfect place for a Business Banquet.

"See anyone you recognize?" Bright whispered in my ear.

I looked around and noticed everyone. I know everyone and exactly what they do. They were all huge successors and I'm in the same building as them.

"Umm let's split up for a bit. There are some people in here that I need to talk to for my father." Bright whispered in my ear as he suggested. I nodded and Bright left my side.

"Metawin!" I heart my name. I turned and saw Dew approaching me with Prim.

"Jirawat?" I said.

"I didn't know you would be here tonight. Also I saw you walking in with....you know who." Dew sort of elbowed my stomach a bit.

I know he was signaling to Bright.

"It's not like I had a choice. I'm here on the behave of my father and I'm his husband." I admit to him.

"Husband?" Dew and Prim said together shocked.

"Since When?" Prim asked me.

"A few weeks ago." I admit to her.

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