Liquorice and Sparklers

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(Emil's pov)
I woke up and turned over to the side Leon usually slept. It was empty, it's been a while since i've slept alone, it sounds and feels really weird. I got up and went downstairs to go have breakfast. When I went down I saw a plate with a fried egg with a note beside it, I picked up the note its said Dear Emil, babe i'm sorry. So I made you a egg :) from Leon. Classic Leon, I looked at the egg and on the egg in ketchup it said i'm sorry. Again classic Leon, I sat down and ate the egg, I should do something special for him to, I guess it kinda was my fault. I got up and dressed for work, I have no idea what I should do. I know one person that can help me, Arthur. I ran in his room "Arthur I need your help" I yelled, he sat up sluggishly "what" he said half asleep "can you help me make it up to Leon" I asked, he got up "well you could always do a firework thing, or get sparklers and play with the sparklers with him" he said. That's a great idea "thanks" I said running out of his room. I headed off to work, my new job is only 5 minutes away so I can walk there. I got my new uniform and began to wait tables, I work 5 days a week for 7 only minimal wage, same with Leon. When I got back from work I stopped of at the store and bought a box of sparklers, and went home. When I got home I saw Leon lying on the couch playing on his phone "hey" he said not looking away from his phone, I didn't respond and went to our room, to get everything set up. This is gonna be fucking awesome.
(Leon's pov)
I think Emil's still mad, I thought the egg would have made up for out argument. I guess I have to resort to plan B. Liquorice. I got up and ran into the kitchen and grabbed all the Liquorice I bought, which was a lot and began my idea. This is gonna be fucking awesome. After a few hours of intense Liquorice art I was finished. All I need is my Emil, I ran up the stairs to our room, but he wasn't there, I saw a note. I picked it up it said Leon meet me in the backyard, now. Emil. I wonder what this is about? I went outside and saw Emil standing under a tree. I walked up to him and he handed me a sparkler "what are you doing?" I asked "shut up and take this" he said beginning to light his sparkler, he took a step back and began to write, at first I wasn't to sure what it said, but then I was able to make out the words, he turned around and looked at me I took his sparkler and lite mine and drew a heart. "I forgive you" I said, he smiled "now it's my turn" I added taking his hand and dragging him inside. He's in for one hell of a surprise.
(Emil's pov)
Where was he taking me? Wasn't the egg his surprise? He dragged me into the kitchen. I saw liquorice in the shape of a heart. It was really cute. "Leon... Thanks" I said blushing "aha no problem" he said holding my hand. He picked up a piece of Liquorice and put one end in his mouth. He motioned for me to come over I leaned in and bit the other end, he began to bit on his side of Liquorice, I realized we were playing the pocky game but with Liquorice. I started to bit on my end till we reached the middle. It's my turn to make the first move, I leaned in and kissed him. After a minute we broke apart and a strand of saliva connected our lips. "Im sorry" he said "I am too" I said. I hugged him and we went upstairs. "Hey Emil do you think if we go back they might accept us?" Leon asked "I don't know, all I know is that it's way to early to go back now, they need to realize there mistakes" I said "what if they already have?" He asked " I don't know, just not now" I added "I wonder how the others are doing" he said "me too" "there was this one time Yong got stuck in the toilet" "one time Mathias had to get a turkey surgically removed from his head" he turned around "that reminds me of the time Mei got a bead stuck inside of her ear drum" we went on to talk about our families, we laughed about them too. It was nice, but we really did miss them.
(Lukas' pov)
It's been 5 days, both Emil and Leon hadn't answered any calls. Yao and I sat there thinking of what to do. "Maybe we could try and put up missing people signs aru?" Yao suggested "that could work" I said thinking about it "what if someone takes it down?" Tino suggested "he is correct what if they see them and take it down?" Kiku added "but it's our only option" Lukas added "no its not" someone yelled, we all turned around and saw Yong Mei Mathias and Berwald standing around the corner "then what's your idea aru?" Yao asked "well since both Emil and Leon are teens, and all teens make bad decisions. Once they become adults they will realize and come back" Mei said "so do we wait until there 20 to come back?" I asked "no, we don't wait we expect, they have to, if they start a family, there gonna want there kids close to the relatives" Mathias added "KIDS?!" Yao and I yelled "yep take there little run away as a opportunity to bond for them. They'll get close get married and adopt a couple of kids da~ze" Yong said. "Well he is right" Kiku said "yea it's bound to happen, just wait and they'll come back to you. Your there older brothers they can't stay away forever" Tino said grinning. I guess he's right even though Emil neer called me big bro i'm still his big bro. Forever and always.

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