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(Leon's pov)
I woke up and did the usual routine like always. Made breakfast, woke up Emil then was off for work.
When I got home, I picked up the phone and called the orphanage to tell them that we'd be coming in today to pick up our new child. Then I waited.
I was sitting on the couch when I heard my phone go off. I pulled it out, it was Kiku. I opened the message which read.
Hello Leon, well everything is well. Yao is back from China and all else is well. Mathias said things on his end are good as well, there isn't much to worry about so don't worry. Focus on getting your stuff sorted. Once you do, please contact us and visit all of us. Yao and the others miss you both.
Anyways that is all goodbye.
I guess it's a good thing that things at home are good. Now we don't have to worry about them for a while, and that Yao is back in the country legally this time. I'm just worried about what's taking Emil so long.
I waited another 15 minutes till I heard the door open. I sat and saw Emil closing the door and entering the house. "Hey ready?" "Uh no just let me freshen up" I nodded and he ran upstairs.
I waited another 20 minutes till I heard him come down the stairs, finally! I hate waiting. "Let's go?" I got up and followed him out the door.
When we got in car we started to talk about names, I'm not sure why since the kid already. Maybe.
After like another 20 minutes of driving we finally reached the orphanage. I pulled out a blind fold and tossed it to Emil "what's this for?" He asked. "Just put it on" "why?" "Just do it". He put on the blind fold and I helped him out of the car. I wanted it to be a complete surprise!
(Emil's pov)
Fuck I can't see why did I agree to this?! He could be leading me to a gay strip club!!!! I wouldn't mind that. "Okay" I heard him say, then I finally saw the light. I blink a bit so my eyes could adjust to the light. "Where are we?" "At the orphanage stupid" he took my hand and dragged me to a different part of the building. "Here" he said opening a door.
I walked in and saw a woman and a little girl standing next to her. The woman looked like she worked here. "Hi I'm Leon and this is Emil" Leon said shaking her hand. "Emil, this is Jia Michiko Steilsson Wang. Our new daughter." What?! I looked over at the small girl, she was about 5 or 6, she has long dark hair and dark eyes, fair skin and wore and little pink sun dress. She was so cute, this was our daughter. I smiled at her, she looked so nervous, I wouldn't blame her though. "Jia say hi" The lady said, she looked up at us, "hello Daddies" holy shit "hello" Leon said smiling "H-Hi" fuck I'm back to stuttering. She smiled and laughed, dammit first day and she already laughed at me. "Well Jia, are your ready?" She looked the lady and nodded. "Well then go on" Leon stuck out his hand. She slowly grabbed his hand, I saw her reach out her other hand and reach for mine, I leaned it out so she could reach my hand. Her hands were so warm and small. This was our child. This is such a huge wake of responsibility, were gonna have to provide her with things and be there for her. I don't want to fail this.
When we reached the car Leon opened the door for her and strapped her in, I went and sat in front of her in the passengers seat, while Leon drove.
The ride home was silent with the exception of the radio vaguely playing in the background. I looked over and saw Jia staring out the window. I really don't expect her to talk to us right away, it'll take time for her to adjust to well us. I wonder what school she'll go to and if she'll like it there. What will she be like when she's older in her teens?! Shit teens! Will she run away like us!? Rebel?! Maybe she'll stay in school and go on to college. That'd be nice.
When we got home, I decided to help her out of the car. She seemed somewhat uncomfortable, but she didn't say anything about it. Though I had figured as much. Leon slid the key in and opened the door, he stepped inside and held the door open. "Welcome home" he said motioning for us to come in. Jia without hesitation stepped in and looked around, I followed her in and Leon shut the door behind me. She turned around and ran into one of my leg and one of Leon's at the same time. She wrapped her arms around them trying to hug us both. "Thank you" she mumbles. I reached and held her close. I started to blush, she was so cute and she was my daughter.
Leon reached in and picked her up and held her, she reached and wrapped her hands around Leon. She turned around and faced me. "Don't need to be so formal, your part of family. What's ours is yours" Leon said happily. She smiled and started to cry. Shit she's crying! "Nonono don't cry" I ran up to her and tried to comfort her. I can't stand it when kids cry. I don't know why but it breaks my heart. "Hey don't cry" I said softly. She looked up and me, her face stained with tears. I wiped away her tears with my thumb and lowered myself to face her. "I love you, please don't cry" she unwrapped her arms from Leon. She reached out towards me. What was she doing she's gonna fall? "Daddy" she said quietly. Now I understand. I reached in and picked her up out of Leon's arms and into my own. It was a different type of feeling. It felt nice, she rested her head on my shoulder with her little arms wrapped around me. "Thank you for picking me" she said. I smiled and put her down. "Well feel free to go freshen up and look around dinner should be done soon." She nodded and ran off.
I looked at Leon who was quietly admiring our new baby. I walked over to him and hugged him. I owe him so much. He does so much for me. Yet I do noting in return. I feel so bad but I love it so much. I couldn't ask for anyone better. "Thank you" I whispered, he leaned out and kissed my forehead "no formalities, and your welcome. Now let's start on dinner" He smiled and we walked into the kitchen.
(Jia's pov)
Wow I've never seen 2 guys kiss before. I ran upstairs looking for my room. This house is so big, I think I'm lost. I ran back down and turned around and and saw one of my Daddies standing in the corner. I ran up to him and bumped into his leg. "Daddy I can't find my room" I looked up and he looked down. "Like no problem lets go" He smiled "Emil I'll be back" the other daddy nodded and he held my hand and we walked upstairs. "Hey daddy, how do you guys know which daddy I'm talking about if I only say daddy" it's been bugging me for a while, I really had to ask. "Well maybe like only call one of us daddy and call the other one something else like I don't know maybe uh... Papa? Or Baba?" "Okay" I smiled. "I'll call you Papa and the other one Daddy" yep that works. I looked up and saw him smiled "okay." I smiled. He walked up to a room and opened the door. "Well here's your room" I looked around, it was so pretty. There was a bed and a little nightstand and a closet and a dresser. I walked inside and the closest was full of pretty clothes. "Thank you" I reached up and hugged papa. "Aha if you like I can help you unpack?" I nodded. We unpacked until Daddy called us down for dinner. It was my first dinner with a family that I could call my family. I love my new family.

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