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(Emil's pov)
I woke up before Leon again this morning, maybe his soup had super powers to get me to wake up. I got up and went downstairs, and made breakfast. After a bit Leon came down and sat down, he was already dressed and looked like he was busy. "Hey" he grabbed a piece of toast and spread Nutella on it. "Oh hey, where you going?" He paused "uh no where really, just some shit I gotta do." Leon really isn't a very good lier. "Welp I should go" he said getting up, "but you haven't finished eating." He put the toast in his mouth and the plate in the sink "sorry, see ya later" he ran out.
He was hiding something I knew it. But what could he be hiding? Was he cheating on me? No I can't think like that! I stood up and went to get dressed. Two can play this game. After I was ready I left the house.
I started to walk around, I have my own shit to take care if stupid Leon. I walked in to the park and sat down but I heard someone, I turned around but no one was there.
But then I heard it again, so I turned around once again. No one
Then a third time. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped and screamed, who the fuck is that?!
I turned around and saw Mathias smiling in the bushes. "What the hell" I yelled "oh Icy lighten up a little, it was just a joke" He smiled again. "Uh don't call me that, anyways what are you going the the bush?" Idiot. "Huh oh I lost my phone and I was looking for it" I swear he's such a scatter brain. "I'm calling it hold on" after he seemed to sorta panic. I dialled the number and called him. I could hear the ringtone, but it was... Coming from his pocket.
"Mathias" he started grinning innocently. "I guess it was in my pocket all along haha" he went and sat on the bench "sorry bout that" he leaned back.
I went and sat beside him "whatever" I leaned forward. "Hey, what's wrong, something's getting you down huh" was it really that obvious? "Uh no it's nothing" he leaned in concerned "yes it is, bro I've known you my whole life. You think I can't tell when somethings really wrong." "Wait all this time you were all able to tell?" He nodded "your emotions are actually pretty easy to read. So what's wrong?" I sighed, might as well tell him. "It's Leon" he looked happy. Why the hell did he look happy?! "What?" He smiled
"You guys are like a couple" what the hell "that's not the point!" I yelled. Loud enough for everyone to hear. I lowered my head in shame. "It's fine my point is, you have to have trust in your relationship. If you think he's cheating, then wait till you catch him in action. But if you two are having disagreements then compromise, or couples counselling." I looked up "couples counselling?" He smiled and handed me a card "guess who's a certified councillor with couples and kids with behaviour issues?" Looks like he finally got a job huh, I took the card. It had his name and another name "Who's Priyanka Naidu?" I asked "oh my partner, we work in the same office" I see. "Thanks" I put the card in my pocket.
"So how are things at home?" I asked "there okay, I don't know about the other family. But in our house everything's okay. Lukas has been eating and talking less. He's been crying a lot to. It's usually in his room after everyones asleep, I can hear him. I try to comfort him, but sometimes that doesn't work." I feel bad, Lukas hardly ever cries.
I stood up "well thanks for the update, but I should go" I waved and left.
When I got back home Leon still wasn't home. Maybe he was cheating. Mathias said to have trust in the relationship. How can I do that? We never open up to each other, we need to learn how to do that. Were spouses now! And spouses trust each other!
(Leon's pov)
I feel bad for not telling Emil about where I'm going. But I didn't want him to know that Kiku's helping us just yet.
I opened our house door and went inside. I saw Emil lying down on the couch. I went and sat down beside him, I put his head in my lap, he blushed and turned around annoyed. What's wrong? Is he mad that I left without telling him where I'm actually going? "Emil, what wrong?" No answer "are you mad at me." He nodded but didn't say anything. "Why?" A pause.
He sat up "Leon" he grabbed my hand. "We're married, we need to open up to each other more" was this why he was mad? Cuz I don't open up to him.
I put my hands on his "I'm sorry" I leaned down and kissed his hands, making him blush. I feel bad for him, is he worried about something? "Hey Emil, you still seemed worried is there something else you wanna tell me?" He looked away.
"Leon please don't hate me for saying this but... Are you cheating on me?" What was he crazy?! Why the fuck would I ever cheat on him. I leaned in and hugged him, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Never, the day we got married I vowed to myself, to be with you through it all, through thick and thin. Emil Egilli Steilsson Wang. I love you."
I felt a tear slip onto my back. "I'm sorry Leon, I'm sorry for not trusting you. I'm sorry for not being as kind to you as you are to me. I'm so sorry for accusing you. I love you, Leon Li Xiao Wang Steilsson." I love the way he says I love you. I said nothing and continued to hug him like that. We sat there for a while till we both grew tired.
We pulled apart, I used my sleeves and wiped away his tears. "Say Emil, you realize its been like 3 years and we've still never been on a date." He nodded "yeah I know" his voice was still a little stuffy. "Well" I held his hand again "tomorrow at 7, my treat." His face lit up. "Really?" I nodded. He hugged me again. Aha he must be excited. "Let's go to bed" He nodded and ran upstairs. I sat there for a bit, where should we go?
I sat there till he called my name from upstairs. I went up and joined Emil in bed. I think I have some idea of where we could go? But he may not like it. Shit dates are hard.

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