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(Leon's pov)
When I woke up it was already like 10 am, thankfully I had the day off. I looked over at Emil who was still sleeping. I wonder what we should like do today, maybe we could go to the water park, nah it to cold to get drenched in water, movie? Nah nothin good's playing. I got up and began to do my morning routine, then I went to go wake Emil up. "Hey, Emil wake up" I tried poking him, guess it' plan B time. I ran over to the other side of the room, and began to run toward's the bed, I jumped and flipped onto the bed causing his body to lift up and shift. "What" he yelled sitting up, I sat innocently beside him "what" he looked over "what the hell did you do you f-" "I made breakfast" I said cutting him off "okay" he got up and headed downstairs. Works every time. I went downstairs and saw him sitting on a chair I came and sat down beside him, "so what do you wanna do today?" He asked "i'm not sure" we thought in silence."I have a idea" I said speaking up, he looked up from his food, "let's go to the zoo" I suggested, he looked confused "why the zoo?" I wasn't sure why "I don't know maybe cuz like the animals are cute" I didn't have a legit reason for going "fine whatever" he sighed and went back to eating. After cleaning up we left for the zoo, "hey what animal's do you wanna see first?" "The Puffins" he didn't even have to think about it, he is really dead set on seeing these puffins, I mean he still has the stuffed one I gave him back in high school. After several minutes of driving, we finally reached the zoo, "it's really full for a Sunday huh" I said "yea huh" we walked around looking at the different animal, I noticed his hand was empty. Now was my chance, I reached in and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers, I saw him blush, I love when he does that. I turned away and looked around, "Puffin" Emil yelled, he let my hand go and ran towards the birds. Damn birds. I ran after him and we saw the birds, I couldn't focus on the animals though, I like seeing him look happy and smile on those sweet moments, he looked fucking sexy like that. I guess I started staring, he looked over and saw me, but I was still lost "LEON" he yelled way to loud, I ended up back in our crappy ass reality. "Uh sorry" he blushed, I grabbed his hand "I'm hungry let's eat" I said leading him into the café. After we ate we continued to look at the animals "look the panda" I whispered leading him there. We began looking at the cute little panda's rolling on the ground. It reminded me of my pet panda, except mines cuter.
(Emil's pov)
The Puffins were much cuter, just saying. I looked at Leon who was looking at the Panda's with way to much passion, fuck no I'm not jealous at all! I grabbed his hand and pulled him away, "huh what was that for" he asked, that oblivious dum dum. "Uh nothing, let's go see something else that all" I couldn't tell him I got jealous that he was looking at those damn panda's with more love than he looks at me. "Okay" I dragged him to the Penguin area and we watched them for a while till we both got bored, after looking at several animal, we got bored. "Yo do you wanna like leave? Zoo is like closing soon anyways" He asked, I nodded and we were about to leave until we heard someone crying. Leon and I turned around to see a small boy around like 8 crying, he had a little blue sailor hat, Leon walked up to the kid and knelt down I stood behind him "Yo kid, what's wrong?" He asked, the kid looked up, he has fairly large eyebrows for such a small guy. He wiped away his tears, "I'm lost" The kid pouted "if you want we can help you" I added, he looked at me puzzled "do I know you from somewhere?" I looked at the kid "uh I've never seen you before, sorry kid" he stood up along with Leon. He grabbed my nag and Leon hand as well so he was in the middle of both of us, "LET'S GO" he began to run dragging us along with him damn this kid likes to run, no wonder he's lost. We ran around for half a hour but no luck, we were running out if options "hey, kid you never told us your name" Leon asked, he looked up "oh I'm Peter" he smiled "I'm Leon" "I'm Emil" after I said my name he gave me that puzzled look again "I've heard that name" he added "sorry Peter but I've never seen your before" he frowned and continued walking. "Peter we've been searching for hours, are you sure there still even here" Leon asked, for once I agree "yes, I'm sure!" Man this kid is really over confident "you know kid sometimes the ones you trust the most sometimes hurt you the most" . I knelt down in front of him, "b-but they didn't leave we have to keep looking" he ran off, I looked over at Leon who followed after him, this is so tiering. We kept searching the zoo, but then we heard someone yell that kids name, we all turned around "daddy" Peter yelled, I looked and saw Tino and Berwald. Oh my God what the fuck are they doing here, I grabbed Leon's hand and ran in the opposite direction from them. We stood behind the corner and heard there conversation, so this was the little kid they adopted "we should thank who ever helped you" I heard Tino say, shit. I took Leon's hand and we left the Zoo, "why are we leaving?" Didn't he see them "Tino and Berwald were that kids parents" "oh" he looked confused "how does that work?". "Oh my God Leon they adopted him" "oh" I dragged him in the car and we left.
(Tino's pov)
Thank God we found Peter, "Where were you?!" I yelled "oh well I got lost but these 2 nice guys helped me." He smiled, "who?" I just wanted to know so Berwald and I could thank them. "Uh well there was this one kinda short guy and this taller one with white hair" white hair? That's interesting "there names were Emil and Leon" I looked over at Berwald, white hair? Emil? Leon? "Peter do you know which way they went?" He turned around "they were there before" shit we just missed. I hugged Peter, their still alive, I should tell everyone else. Then they could get home faster.

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