18. Aish! So Cold!

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HEEEELLO!!! How r u guys doing????

I'm incredibly sorry for irregular updates. My exams started and it'll be over by next Sunday so I'm pretty busy right now. Offline exams are draining me so much. 

But nevertheless, here's a chapter!

Lol that was weird.

Okay, let me not hold u anymore. This chapter is pretty long. Possibly the longest I've written so far. And hopefully it wouldn't be boring!

So, enjoy reading!


'Hyung, can you make something special for us today?? PLEASE!!' Jimin chirped with his puppy eyes.

'Ne hyung, I'm craving for something elite as well!! It's been a long time since we have been to any restaurant!' Hoseok spoke

''Ne. Plus, I don't wanna order takeout. Something special by you hands is so much better! I don't remember the last time you cooked something like that!' The second youngest maknae added.

Jin finally gave up. 'Yah FINE FINE! STOP HURTING MY EARS!!'


'Hyung, can I help too?'


'But I promise I won't do anything out of order.'

'Still nope.'

'But I wanna help.'

'Oh yes you can. Do one thing Namjoon-ah, can you bring some spinach from the storage room?'

Namjoon nodded excitedly. He finally got some work to do. He dashed his way out of the kitchen, not hearing the conversation between the others.

'But hyung, did you forget? We don't use the storage room anymore.'

'Ne hyung. That door's lock had issues so we stopped keeping the vegies there.'

'Ah right right right! NAMJOON-AH YOU DON'T NE-'

'Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! Bang PD called you. Here.' Jungkook quickly handed the phone to Jin who received the call and went to the living room to talk.

About 10 minutes later, he returned back to the kitchen, facing the curious members.

'What did he say?' Yoongi enquired.

'Well, PD-nim asked us to visit the office. He has something to discuss about the new album. I guess Sejin hyung is already here with the car. We need to leave right now.'

The members sighed.

'Let's go then. NAMJOON-AH! PD-NIM CALLED US!'

15 minutes in and the members gathered in the living room, ready to leave.

'Hyung, Namjoonie hyung isn't here yet.'

The click of a lock was heard. Namjoon probably went to the washroom. 'NAMJOON-AH! HURRY UP!! WE NEED TO LEAVE!'

No response. Suddenly the phone rang. Bang-PD again.

'Yes nim, we are leaving......Namjoon is in the washroom I think......hmm......no.......okay then......yes yes I got it......hmm.....see you.'

'Guys, we need to leave. PD-nim has another meeting later so he doesn't have much time. He said Joon-ah can come later or we can just explain to him what Bang PD said at the meeting. Let's go now.'


They left. Suga and Jimin stood at the door. But Namjoon still wasn't there. In the end, they had to depart the dorm and go to the agency building.

Namjoon Oneshots [MOSTLY HURT/SICK]Where stories live. Discover now