8. Silent Bullet

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Tonight was the second last concert of the Love Yourself: Speak Yourself tour. Tomorrow's concert would mark the end of the LY era. It was both exciting but saddening for the members as well as for the ARMY. 

Right now, the boys were having their final rehearsals before tonight's concert. They practiced Dionysus, Boy In Luv, We Are Bulletproof pt2. Then the unit rehearsals of Truth Untold and Tear. And now the solo songs were practiced so that the members could rest a bit before practicing other group songs. 

Namjoon was on stage, for Trivia: Love.  He was moving around, checking the new additions to his song. A device was clipped to his finger and whenever he moved it, it would make certain patterns and shapes on the big screens. It was fun but definitely a little tricky to handle. 

He finally tried it with the song and it went pretty well for the first time actually. But the clip had some technical problem so the staff gathered around him and tried to fix the clip. There were about six to seven staff members and technicians standing around him. 

All of a sudden, Namjoon's body leaned onto Sejin who was standing right beside him. 

'Namjoon-shi, what happened?'

'H-Hyung, b-blo-blood..' 

Sejin was holding onto Namjoon's waist as he felt something slippery. He looked down and his eyes widened. The staff members around him started to move away.

Namjoon's stomach was wounded and blood was carelessly pouring out. How did he suddenly injure himself? 

He was getting unconscious and his entire body weight leaned onto Sejin who carefully bent and laid the leader on the stage. The manager lifted Namjoon's shirt a little and there was a brutal wound on the side of his stomach.

'Sir, that looks like a bullet wound!' one of the staff shouted.


The members were in the greenroom. Some were going through the cue sheet for tonight while others were practicing their verses. The door suddenly barged open and few staff members came running in with a white towel cloth in their hand. 

They frowned. What were these people doing?

'Sir, can you please get up? Please hurry.' they requested.

The members were now totally confused. Nevertheless, they left the sofa and three staff members pushed the sofa a little aside to create some space. The others quickly spread the towel on the floor.

'Umm, what are you do-' Taehyung started to ask as loud footsteps were heard. Some one was running or at least walking real fast towards the room.

They turned their heads and the sight in front of them froze their senses.

Sejin came rushing inside. Namjoon in his arms. Unconscious and blood flowing like a river through his shirt.

'HYUNG!' He yelled

Sejin didn't have time to reply. He went near the towel and gently placed Namjoon's body on the towel. He was breathing heavily, eyes still closed.

'What hap-'

'Someone shot him'

They stood still. SOMEONE SHOT HIM?

'Then why is he here? Shouldn't we take him to the hospital?' Jin managed to ask through his trembling lips. Jimin had already crouched down beside Namjoon sobbing lightly and held his hand.

'No, we can't do that. The shooter is still out there so it's risky. But the ambulance is coming with police protection,' the manager paused and turned to the staff members, 'Go and bring the ventilator from the medic room, QUICK!'

Namjoon Oneshots [MOSTLY HURT/SICK]Where stories live. Discover now