14.2. Sleep Apnea: Struggles

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Four months had passed since then. Namjoon was indeed diagnosed with sleep apnea, stage two. Hoseok could never forget the expression on Namjoon's face that day. His eyes had tears but he didn't look shocked nor sad. Later that day, he had cried when he was alone with Hoseok in his room. He was sobbing that his illness would jeopardize the overall growth of the group and their career. And Hoseok of course assured him otherwise that they would all stay strong and support him no matter what.

A lot of things has changed since then. Sleep apnea, as they came to know, was potentially a serious sleep disorder and it could even prove life-threatening. So they definitely didn't want to take any risk. Namjoon was made to have at least one session every week with his sleep specialist and a checkup at the cardiologist's twice a month. Why a cardiologist? Well, basically since he had untreated sleep apnea for who knows how long until it was diagnosed, it had caused some minor heart issues. Those weren't severe enough to obstruct his life as a performer but he still needed regular checkups.

He even had a different diet so that he doesn't have any drastic loss or gain of weight. A sudden change in his weight could influence his illness in a bad way. He would now exercise accordingly every day and have a fixed sleep schedule. Well, the members were strict enough to ensure he's in his bed and sleeping at the proper time. He was also preferred to sleep on his right side so that it would reduce the snoring and encourage blood flow.

A few of the nights, he would be so much out of oxygen that they had to nebulize him. Yes. They even kept a nebulizer at the dorm, in his room actually and Jin, Jimin and Hoseok had learned how to operate the machine.

Frankly, it was quite overwhelming for Namjoon initially. He would sometimes have an outburst or just sit idle, not responding to anything or anyone. He couldn't help but feel like a burden when the members would worry about him. One of them had to stay awake and aware all night to help him through his episodes. They never complained nor showed any discomfort or impatience but Namjoon was still upset.

He basically had a few hours break during the day, only him. That's when he would try to catch up on his sleep. His episodes were actually less frequent during his sleep in the daytime.


'Namjoon-ah, had a good sleep?' Jin asked, patting Namjoon's knee

They were in the recording room and Namjoon had just arrived, finishing his daytime sleep.

'Ne hyung,' he spoke, 'Are you guys done with the recording?'

'Andwae (no) hyung, the chorus and Taehyung's parts are still left.' Jimin answered

The older nodded and turned his concentration back to his script where the lyrics were written. He had written them. 

'Namjoon-ah, you remember you have to go for your session today right?'

Namjoon looked up again and nodded. He didn't hate those sessions but they made him think he was being unproductive.


Namjoon was back from his session. His mood wasn't the best. Apparently, his apnea was worsening due to all the extreme stress. 

What could he even do? All of a sudden he gets diagnosed with a serious sleeping disorder, he wakes up tired and with that nasty headache, can't focus on his work, has to sleep during the daytime when he was supposed to be working, has to sleep early everyday so he can't even use that time for working, the others stay awake because of him and his illness could potentially kill him. WOW!! SO NORMAL!!

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