14.1. Sleep Apnea: Diagnosis

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Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. Common symptoms include loud snoring, observed episodes of stopped breathing during sleep, morning headache, insomnia, hypersomnia,  abrupt awakenings accompanied by gasping or choking, etc.


It was always fun teasing Namjoon about him snoring in sleep. Initially he was quite conscious about it but eventually even he found it hilarious. 

Any game where the members were asked, 'Who in BTS snores while sleeping?' ,  they would all always point to their leader. Embarrassing but he was fine with it, at least he got a unique trait apart from being God of Destruction right?


'Namjoon-ah, when did you wake up?'

'Oh at around 6 maybe. But I didn't see you in the room. Did you wake up even earlier hyung?'

'Nah, I was at the studio yesterday. But I missed your snores.' 

Tae laughed out loud, Jimin following behind. Yoongi with a satisfied smirk on his face, trying not to laugh aloud. The others joined in the teasing and Namjoon found himself chuckling thinking that they never seem to leave a chance of teasing his poor sleep.


It was almost 2 in the morning. Namjoon was sleeping. Yoongi was sleeping soundly beside him. 

Suddenly Namjoon felt like he couldn't breathe properly. Subconsciously, he clutched the blanket in his fist and tried hard to breathe. His snores got louder. 

Yoongi tossed in his sleep due to the sound but then fell back asleep

As soon as it came, it seemed to go away. He was breathing fine. His body relaxed but it was fully covered in sweat due to his breathless state few seconds ago.


Namjoon woke up, feeling a bad headache for some reason. He couldn't really remember his condition last night so he was pretty confused when he woke up, all sweaty and tired. Weird.

'Good morning guys!'

'Good morning Namjoon-ah!'

'Yah, you know you were snoring so loud last night.' Yoongi spoke with a nonchalant voice, with a hint of amusement in it

Namjoon's face turned red due to embarrassment. 'Hyung!' He whined like a toddler.

Suga's lips turned in a mischievous gummy smile, completely satisfied with the reaction he got.


The members were getting ready for recording their performance. They were in the middle of a hectic schedule today. It was much busier than other days.  

Most of them were finished with their hair and makeup. Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok were doing their makeup or changing into their suits. Jin, Jungkook, Jimin and Namjoon were waiting patiently. Namjoon had fallen asleep while waiting on the couch. The members couldn't help but notice that the leader had been taking quite a few naps during the day for the past few days. But they didn't think much, maybe he was just tired.

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