13. Fright And Fear

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Namjoon POV

It was a great day. Chatting and laughing while having dinner with Tae was indeed a good choice after all.

The clocked ticked, 10.27 pm. Hmm. Late. But it's fine. Jin hyung and Sejin hyung have allowed us tonight to come to this restaurant. Well Jin hyung was so stressed that we had to inform him that the restaurant would get closed for normal guests by 9 so it would be only us in the empty place which meant, no risk. That's when he finally got convinced to let us out without any guards.

And it definitely felt good. To loosen up a little and relax with no one to stare at us. I mean, I love ARMY but I guess I never really got confident enough to ignore those stares. 

Whatever, I once again turn my concentration to Tae's amusing story of him helping his father in farming back in his hometown when he was little. Gosh this boy is surely an absolute fascinating creature I tell you! His entire self is so out of the normal but of course in a great way!

'Hyung, what do you wanna have?' 

'I don't know, anything you'll order'

Tae shrugged and placed the order. I didn't really pay attention to it. My eyes were instead staring at someone through the glass windows. Tae's back was faced to the window so he couldn't see. But I could definitely spot that guy. 

He was all in black, big black oversized hoodie and baggy pants. A grey bucket hat and face mask covering his face. Funny. It reminded me of Jungkookie, typical Jungkookie. 

The waiter soon served and we started our meal. It was delicious for sure. Absolutely finger-licking! Tae kept on narrating his stories while munching and somehow his talks were never boring to me.


Taehyung's POV

We finished dinner. Just gossiping now. It was lovely to spend some time like this with Namjoonie hyung. He stays so busy, I'm always worried he'll overwork himself. I hope he doesn't. I just adore him so much. He is like my father. My perfect guardian, never refuses to listen to me even if I keep on rambling gibberish for hours, he just listens patiently. 

The desserts came. I took a cup of strawberry ice cream. My favorite! Hyung was having a cup of chocolate ice cream, after having especially confirmed that it wasn't mint chocolate of course! He hates it!

The cups were quickly empty. Time to leave I guess.

I got up and stretched, thank god there was no other guest here! 

'Hyung, let's go! Jin hyung will kill us if we aren't at the dorm by 12!'


Namjoon POV

I got up, nodding and laughing loudly. True. Very true. He'll definitely kill us.

We wore our jackets and mufflers, put on our caps and masks and got out after paying the bill. We had decided to walk since the dorm was simply three blocks away. Just across the street, I saw that all-in-black guy walking towards us. A bottle in his hand, probably of alcohol. He seemed drunk from the way he was walking or should I say dragging himself.

I thought of ignoring him and we continued walking when he stopped right in front of us. We stood for a while staring at his actions. He pointed a finger towards Tae who was standing beside me, confusion written on his face. I gently held his hand and squeezed it a little, ensuring him he shouldn't worry and his hand instantly grabbed mine tightly.

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